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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. Wynn yawned. "I have a low patience for mortals." She surrounded herself with a corona of writhing Shadows. "He didn't tell me anything. He got possessed by Malum and forcibly taken off-world. You seem like a terrible father, so you probably didn't even wonder where he was. Our goal in coming here was to inform you that Lerac is alive again, but you clearly don't care. So now we're gonna crash here for a day or so, see if you have any cool stuff that could aide us against Malum, and give most of you a serious attitude adjustment. Do you know how many people would kill to have a son like Lerac?" She turned to Lerac. "What did you do to get such a reputation anyway?"
  2. "My name is Wynn, Bringer of Storms. Nice introduction of your son, by the way. It's not like he died and now his life depends on us killing a god or anything. It's not like he's been halfway across the multiverse and back trying to save it. And if you think he's trouble, you'll hate me." Wynn smirked.
  3. Happy New Year to all you CST people!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Happy new year! Technically I'm on CST too lol (China Standard Time.)

    3. Ranryu


      Lol. Belated happy new year to you, I guess.

    4. The Halcyon Girl

      The Halcyon Girl

      At my dance we celebrated CST new year… I missed my CST friend (again, you know who you are)

  4. Hmmm. Is he named after his father? "Just a few tired warriors." Wynn responded. "We've literally been to afterlife and back. Just thought you'd like to know."
  5. Wynn followed. As they passed the gate, she snickered and used a tendril of Shadow Magic to make the head fall of Parel's spear. "Serves him right." She chuckled quietly.
  6. Wynn bristled at the man's words, but decided that it would probably be wiser to remain silent, if only to keep herself from escalating the situation and murdering him. She did switch on her duel disk, however. Murder could come later.
  7. Wynn held her hands up and took a step back. "Not spies, just weary warriors. You know Lerac, right? He's from here." "I probably shouldn't kill any of these guys, right?" She muttered to Lerac.
  8. "We came because there is an angry god who wants to destroy everything." Wynn said matter-of-factly. "And we aren't quite ready to face him yet."
  9. "If worst comes to worst, I can use Shadow Magic to defend us." They made their way to the palace.
  10. "That's the problem. I'll give it my best shot, but odds are we'll draw unwanted attention."
  11. "Cool? Um... how welcoming are your people? Because based on the look of things I have a feeling they really won't like me."
  12. Wynn wrinkled her nose at the landscape. "Needs some zombies, or a nice gloom. Where to?"
  13. Wynn typed the name in. "A direct portal! How convenient!" A glowing white oval appeared in the air. "Come on, let's go!"
  14. "Great!" Wynn fired up her duel disk. "Does your world have a name? That will made finding it a ton easier."
  15. Wynn narrowed her eyes slightly. "Well then doesn't your family need to be humbled a little? I can go yell at them, if you'd like."
  16. "We don't have to go if you don't want to. But won't your family want to know where you've been?"
  17. "Friendly as in we can breathe the air and nobody hates our guts. Is it a good place or not?" Snuffle yipped and wagged her tail.
  18. "Well, I was thinking Earth, but if your home world is a friendly place, then we should try to go there instead. And yes, this is Snuffle, my childhood friend. Lerac, Snuffle. Snuffle, Lerac."
  19. A recent conversation at a family gathering: Dad: I suppose the copper on a penny could be slightly more valuable than the penny itself. Me: But removing it would be expensive. It's not like anyone is going to try... @Potato's Wit: *Has a penny on a cutting board with a butter knife* Me: Stop that knife can't support your weight.
  20. "Companion dragon? More like I want to be a dragon companion. Where to next?" Zephyr grinned. "Where's the closest fun place?"
  21. Wynn stroked Snuffle's head. "Come on. I've had enough of the End of Time for a few centuries. Let's go somewhere more hospitable."
  22. Zephyr looked sad, but realized that fighting a dragon was probably not a good idea. "Bye awesome dragon lady. Maybe we can fight another time." She fingered her flute sadly.
  23. "I have three reasons. One, I need someone around in case I use too much of my soul up and forget who I am. Two, I can't heal easily, and that ability will be vital in our fight against Malum. Three, I just really enjoy your company. I admire people who say what they think." Careful. "And besides, if I don't beat Malum, you die again. I'm definitely going to need any help I can get."
  24. Wynn facepalmed. "How many times have you saved us all with your healing? If the folks in your home realm couldn't recognize your worth, then they don't deserve you." Wynn lowered her voice. "And you're wrong. I do need you. I... can't do this by myself."
  25. "And you think we don't need you? You have friends- and family who need you. That reminds me. We need to get you back to see your family before you die again or something worse."
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