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Status Replies posted by Ranryu

  1. Guys. 

    I keep finding more underrated early 2000's tv shows. The ones with ten year old boys as the target audience.

    Why are they so amazing. Especially the Canadian ones. Seriously, I have like five ten year old boy early 2000's cartoons from Canada that I absolutely love. 

    Is this what addiction feels like?

  2. This cracked me up xD 

  3. It is (slightly) official

    I will be going to Dragonsteel 2023! I am very hyped and excited!!!!! Any tips for planning from people who’ve gone before?

  4. Okay okay okay. Let's talk about peat bogs. If you don't know what the heck I'm talking about, then hold on tight. We're gonna go on a little ride.

    First of all, what is a peat bog? A peat bog is a type of wetland that accumulates peat (a buildup of partially decayed plant matter- often moss). Peat bogs are found in cool northern climates (a famous example is ireland). About 12,000 years ago, glaciers from the most recent ice age retreated, leaving poorly draining lakes behind. Over time, plant matter built up inside these lakes, becoming peat. Other names for peat bogs include mire, mosses, quagmire, and muskeg.


    Peat Bogs • Northumberland National Park

    Why are peat bogs important? Peat (dried peat) is a valuable form of fuel that has been harvested for thousands of years. Peat is also used as a soil additive. Beyond that, peat bogs play a vital role in the environment. Peat moss improves the soil's ability to absorb water, and peat holds more carbon than the combined forests of Britain, France and Germany. Plus, if you like animals, peat bogs provide shelter to some really cool endangered ones.


    Ancient bones in disturbed peat bogs are rotting away, alarming  archaeologists | Science | AAAS

    Another really interesting thing about peat bogs is that they are excellent at preserving deceased life forms. Hopefully some of you have heard of the famous "bog bodies" that are often found in peat bogs. Sometimes more than ten thousand years old, these bog bodies give us interesting insight on how things used to be.

    (Warning, mildly scary image below)


    Tollund Man This is the Tollund man, found in 1950. It is believed that he was sacrificed in some kind of fertility ritual about twenty five thousand years ago. His body is incredibly well preserved-- even his internal organs!

    Clearly, there's a lot more to learn about peat bogs. Go look them up, they're really cool!

    wait what did I just do

    1. Ranryu



      We can use the ice cream truck for that instead. 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  5. Power just went out at school.


  6. Ayo! I'm a void bringer!

    *casts void around* get your void! 2 for one void!

    1. Ranryu


      This void is so much better quality than that other place!

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  7. This is your daily reminder:

    You are now breathing manually.

    Enjoy your next 24 hours.

  8. Just beat my latest BotW file in preparation of TotK. Those Ganon fights are... way too easy - even with Jelli the Idiot Horse as your loyal steed. I hope Zombiedorf is harder.

  9. Guyyyyys!!! 
    I’m applying for my first real job! (Detasseling doesn’t count) It’s at a plant shop, and I really hope I get it! It seems like a really good environment!

  10. I have a question for y'all.

    Would you consider yourselves chaotic? Why?

    1. Ranryu


      Oh no the main characters are assembling.

      Hey guys! I’m the voice of reason, and I say go for it. Gladiator fight!  

    2. (See 44 other replies to this status update)

  11. just read such a cool line in a new webtoon i found

    ”something wicked this way comes”

    mmmmmm good line

    1. Ranryu


      I know that at least one cello player who’s responded to this had to read Macbeth this year.

      Clearly, the line is from Edgar Allen Poe.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  12. I have a question for y'all.

    Would you consider yourselves chaotic? Why?

    1. Ranryu


      Thanks guys!


      Now I can claim to be the voice of reason, giving me special plot armor where I don’t die until later in the story. :lol:


    2. (See 44 other replies to this status update)

  13. I have a question for y'all.

    Would you consider yourselves chaotic? Why?

    1. Ranryu


      Hey, let me be a little southern! 

      It was my childhood...

    2. (See 44 other replies to this status update)

  14. Guys...a spambot followed me...what do I do...

  15. I'm stealing @CalanoCorvus's idea now. 

    I'm going to the BYU young authors camp this year! 

    I was just wondering if anyone else is going and if so, if anyone would want to meet up :D

    1. Ranryu


      I’m not going (:(), but one of the most amazing people I know is. Maybe you guys’ll meet!

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  16. hi people. 

    can i just say...


  17. Well, dang it. I'm not gonna be reading Wheel of Time anymore...

    Forgive me.

    I loved the Wheel of Time, but I gotta quit. 

    As someone I know said, "The icecream is pretty good, except for that cockroach in it..."

    The cockroach being that one glaring chapter in TFoH and a bunch of things here and there in the whole series. 

    So, therefore, I quit.

    I wanted to love Wheel of Time, I still do, in fact. But... I can't continue. I wish I could, but I cannot. 

    Blood and Bloody Ashes, I so wanted to continue.

    Well, Light, I guess that means I have more time to read Count of Monte Christo, God Emperor of Dune, Scythe and the Inheritance Cycle. Onward to books!

  18. SU cuz I’m bored

    What is an item you want?

  19. Bassoon: practiced, cleaned, discovered to be broken (stupid school instruments from the 70's)

    Dinner: made and cleaned up

    Hands: Drawn (badly) in every conceivable position plus a few that aren't physically possible

    Memes: created

    Little bro's minecraft skin: created, downloaded, and ready to play with

    Garden: weeded

    Friend: not in possession of the Book of Mormon I offered her (she said no she didn't want my religion)

    Homework: procrastinated 

    Chocolate: eaten

    Oranges: Also eaten

    grammar: baddened 

    Status: updated


  20. Bassoon: practiced, cleaned, discovered to be broken (stupid school instruments from the 70's)

    Dinner: made and cleaned up

    Hands: Drawn (badly) in every conceivable position plus a few that aren't physically possible

    Memes: created

    Little bro's minecraft skin: created, downloaded, and ready to play with

    Garden: weeded

    Friend: not in possession of the Book of Mormon I offered her (she said no she didn't want my religion)

    Homework: procrastinated 

    Chocolate: eaten

    Oranges: Also eaten

    grammar: baddened 

    Status: updated


  21. So my parents decided they wanted to reduce my phone time by forcing me to take all the fun apps off of it. That's fine. I get it.


    Now I have free time. LOTS of free time.


    (No teacher on this planet could assign enough homework to keep me occupied all day :P)

    I wanna learn to do something fun. Drawing, maybe? I definitely didn't spend the past hour just drawing hands in different positions.

    What do you guys think I should try?

    (Please nobody say bassoon. I'm procrastinating because it's so heavyyyyy and baaaaadddd soundinggggggg)

    1. Ranryu


      Basically? Yeah.

      Seriously considering replaying ff6 and then writing a fanfic with a more cohesive version of the plot. Would anyone approve of that?

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  22. So my parents decided they wanted to reduce my phone time by forcing me to take all the fun apps off of it. That's fine. I get it.


    Now I have free time. LOTS of free time.


    (No teacher on this planet could assign enough homework to keep me occupied all day :P)

    I wanna learn to do something fun. Drawing, maybe? I definitely didn't spend the past hour just drawing hands in different positions.

    What do you guys think I should try?

    (Please nobody say bassoon. I'm procrastinating because it's so heavyyyyy and baaaaadddd soundinggggggg)

    1. Ranryu


      That’s also something I’m interested in! I have a classical teacher, so I mostly compose classical-esque stuff, but I’d like to try something with a little more groove. Rock or jazz or funk maybe. That’s an excellent idea, thank you!

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  23. So my parents decided they wanted to reduce my phone time by forcing me to take all the fun apps off of it. That's fine. I get it.


    Now I have free time. LOTS of free time.


    (No teacher on this planet could assign enough homework to keep me occupied all day :P)

    I wanna learn to do something fun. Drawing, maybe? I definitely didn't spend the past hour just drawing hands in different positions.

    What do you guys think I should try?

    (Please nobody say bassoon. I'm procrastinating because it's so heavyyyyy and baaaaadddd soundinggggggg)

    1. Ranryu



      Why don't you learn to play bassoon?

      Why don't you join my new RP?



      I am learning how to play bassoon. I'm also regretting it.

      My parental unit disproves of extensive screen time. Only reason I get the shard is because I've proven I'm good at multitasking. Maybe this summer.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  24. So my parents decided they wanted to reduce my phone time by forcing me to take all the fun apps off of it. That's fine. I get it.


    Now I have free time. LOTS of free time.


    (No teacher on this planet could assign enough homework to keep me occupied all day :P)

    I wanna learn to do something fun. Drawing, maybe? I definitely didn't spend the past hour just drawing hands in different positions.

    What do you guys think I should try?

    (Please nobody say bassoon. I'm procrastinating because it's so heavyyyyy and baaaaadddd soundinggggggg)

    1. Ranryu



      Yes probably. What's wrong with them?

      They are very very broken- don't work at all. Last time I went riding I almost got hit by a car because I couldn't stop. 



      Do drawing and make an art thread :D

      That's a great idea! Just give me a while to actually learn how to draw first :lol:

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  25. So my parents decided they wanted to reduce my phone time by forcing me to take all the fun apps off of it. That's fine. I get it.


    Now I have free time. LOTS of free time.


    (No teacher on this planet could assign enough homework to keep me occupied all day :P)

    I wanna learn to do something fun. Drawing, maybe? I definitely didn't spend the past hour just drawing hands in different positions.

    What do you guys think I should try?

    (Please nobody say bassoon. I'm procrastinating because it's so heavyyyyy and baaaaadddd soundinggggggg)

    1. Ranryu



      Drawing is fun. So is writing. So is riding (and cleaning, and fixing, and caressing) bikes.

      I do enjoy both writing and riding, although I haven't done either in a while. Thanks for the ideas!

      I should probably fix the brakes on my bike so I don't die

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

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