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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. "Are you really having fun if you're not high on chocolate?" - @Shining Silhouette "{@Potato's Wit} better not try to eat me in the afterlife." - @That1Cellist
  2. As simple as finding a god more powerful than him to destroy him. Haven't you heard? Killing is all I'm good for.
  3. I'm not giving up, I'm just done messing around. It'll be faster by myself.
  4. No. I'm gonna go kill Malum, and then I'm gonna kill that guy Haly's supposed to marry, and then I'll kill myself.
  5. Look what you did. Everything's worse because of you. Why are you even here? They're better off without you. Spekkio was wrong. You were wrong. This is just like how you lost Eria. Wynn let herself sink through the ground. The group would be safer without her.
  6. Wynn didn't move, didn't say anything. After all, this was all her fault. This- this is why you got banished from the Mound. You aren't supposed to be here. Go back to the Shadows, where you belong.
  7. Wynn looked grateful. "You did your best. Now come on. We're going to have a chat with Death."
  8. "No!" She channeled the energy directly into TAAron. "He can't die! Not now! Haly needs him!"
  9. Wynn felt a sinking feeling. "What is it?" She channeled more energy, as much as Ranryu could give.
  10. Wynn slowly channeled the energy into Lerac. This better work...
  11. "No!" Ranryu, a little help please? The card glowed softly, pure energy this time. "This is my last idea. I'll channel Ranryu's energy into you, and you use it to heal TAAron." Wynn gathered the energy like thread in her hands.
  12. "You are the master. It is your servant. Hurry, TAAron's going to bleed out!" Obey Lerac or the contract is null!
  13. Wynn quickly removed the crystal and wrapped it in a knot of shadow. I wouldn't be surprised if it turned into a gigantic monster or something. "Prepare yourself, Lerac. If you succumb to the Shadow Realm, TAAron will die." She blasted Lerac with energy.
  14. Wynn found the crystal and made thin, delicate cuts to remove it.
  15. Wynn sent a shadow into TAAron, searching for the crystal.
  16. Wynn responded by feeding those remaining emotions to the duel spirits hiding in the shadows, rendering herself emotionless. "Understood. Hurry, please. I can only shield us from his allomancy for so long before I need a breather."
  17. "Oh hush. This is for your own good. I promise, you'll thank us when we're done." Ugh. I don't want to risk brain damage and knock him out again. "Lerac, do you have a plant that can numb him?"
  18. "Oh, don't be angry. It makes the duel spirits more hungry." Wynn reinforced TAAron's bindings.
  19. "I didn't give you my power last time. I tried to heal him directly, which didn't work. Besides, I'll be a lot more delicate than Malum. The only actual cutting required is to remove the crystal. Shadows are intangible until I want them to be solid."
  20. "I can give you an energy boost, provided you have a strong enough mind to withstand the Shadow Realm. I think you can handle it. Come on, I want to do this before something terrible happens again. Seriously, we can't go five minutes without a near-death encounter."
  21. "We're cutting that crystal out of him. If we could heal him when Malum put it in, we can heal him after we take it out. Okay, tell me where to cut."
  22. Wynn sent a tendril of shadow, knocking TAAron out and tying him down in case he woke up. "Okay Lerac. Please tell me you know human anatomy, because if I try to cut the stupid thing out by myself I will definitely kill him."
  23. "This'll be better than killing you, because it'll help Haly be happy and stuff!" Power of love, don't fail me now! Wynn signaled for Lerac to grab TAAron.
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