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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. "Hate is a strong word... I'm just annoyed. Dude, I LITERALLY let you beat me up. Like, I could've just stopped you, but I didn't. And it didn't even convince you that I'm your friend. If you hate yourself, then why not let us knock you out and cut you open? I guarantee that Haly would not let anything happen to you, and it comes with the benefit of not being under the influence of an evil god anymore!"
  2. "Yeah, I'm don't really have any positive feelings towards you right now, but you're still my friend, so I have to help you. Thus heart surgery. We need to cut that crystal out of you before it kills you or something. Don't worry, even if we mess up we can heal you before you die." We've been in this dimension too long. We need to get a move on before they find me... And Haly's world probably needs her. But first we fix TAAron.
  3. "Don't feel bad. Hating you is quite popular recently. I'm sure Malum's getting a kick out of this. How prepared are you to have open-heart surgery from an untrained group of young adults?"
  4. Wynn looked up. "One of the best. You genuinely cared about your friends- especially Haly."
  5. Hats off to you
    You solved the Rubik's Cube
    Turning the orange into yellow into blue
    Blue like jazz
    Blue like jazz
    Show me how to be cool like that
    Blue like jazz
    Blue like jazz
    Show me how to be cool like that
    Don't mind me, I'm a little slow
    I can't play sixteenth notes

    Oh and @Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff wants me to tell everyone that she has a pyramid of peppermint kisses and she's going to put golden tinsel on top and she also has a metal straw.

     Sugar high phone call. Merry Christmas again.

  6. Merry Christmas!

    No school for the rest of the year, and THEY MADE FINALS OPTIONAL DUE TO BAD WEATHER. *evil laughter*

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Me who finished all of my finals before they cancelled anything

    2. Ranryu


      Me who worked super-hard to photo-shop my teacher's face onto various 80's rock stars and football players for a presentation but then DIDN'T GET TO PRESENT

  7. "You didn't finish giving Wonder Woman bell-bottoms!" - @Potato's Wit
  8. Stupid power of love. I let him beat me up and it did nothing, but all Haly has to do is cry?
  9. “No, we can’t— we’ve tried. You need to get him to calm down before he actually kills someone.”
  10. "Malum's messing with his head. Get him to burn gold." Wynn mumbled.
  11. "I... I can't convince you." She grabbed Haly. "C'mere and convince TAAron that we're his friends. Use the power of love or something." Wynn took a few steps away and tried to remind herself that it was just allomancy. @Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff
  12. Wynn had to force herself to not block his allomancy. Who am I kidding? This isn't gonna work. "Nothing I say will convince you. I guess you're just destined to have your life completely ruined by Malum."
  13. Darn it, we could really use Haly right now. "We are your friends." Wynn contained her exasperation. "I didn't just let you give me a heart attack because I thought it would be fun. And those hellhounds, so nicely not ripping you to shreds? Come on, try another metal."
  14. "He's you friend too. Lerac is the one who kept you from dying after Malum cut your chest open."
  15. "That wasn't us, it was you. The metal you just burned slows down time in a bubble around you. To us, it looked like you were moving in slow motion." Wynn positioned herself in between TAAron and Lerac. If TAAron went ballistic again, she would more easily be able to defend them.
  16. You spelled Hapkido wrong in your profile information.

    What on earth is Hapiko?

    1. Potato's Wit

      Potato's Wit

      The ancient art of cutting hair off people's heads. Like, the hair is not on their head.

  17. "Probably not. Try to look harmless- he might blast you across the room."
  18. "No, he's a mistborn. He could always do it, but we took his metals away because it was making his soul damage worse." Wynn used a bit of Shadow Magic to rejuvenate herself. "That's what, four metals down? Only a dozen more to go. You wanna see how he reacts to you, Lerac?"
  19. “To him, we probably look like we’re on fast-forward. Eventually, his metal will run out or he’ll stop burning it.”
  20. “A form of allomancy- that’s a metal-based magic system- that inflames emotions, in this case, fear. My mental reaction I have some control over, but my physical reaction is different.”
  21. "Very powerful Rioting, I think. Or maybe I'm just not used to it anymore- it has been a few decades since I experienced it last. Right now he's trapped in a slow bubble or something."
  22. Wynn looked at him incredulously. "Yeah genius, I do. What else could it possibly be?" She stopped herself. "Sorry. I haven't recovered from having my heart do 200 bpm."
  23. Wynn put her face in her hands. "I don't even know any more. Something is seriously wrong with TAAron."
  24. Wynn sat down and tried to catch her breath. Hopefully this would be a good-sized break. Why didn't I just shield myself? She chided herself. I know it's probably better in the long run, but... Ugh. I'm going to have to let him go through the whole mistborn arsenal.
  25. It took Wynn a few minutes to calm down enough to respond. "One of your metals. I haven't felt fear like that in ages... if I had been mortal, you might've killed me."
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