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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. "Nonsense! If you weren't a warrior, you would see me as a frog!" The god bounced towards Wynn. "There's one of those energy wells you Aos Si covet in the back room. Go and restore yourself while I test this confused warrior." Wynn looked at him incredulously. "Really!?" She hid her joy and turned to TAAron. "Is it okay if I go? I promise I won't take too long... and Spekkio will protect you from any real danger."
  2. Wynn glanced at TAAron, her eyes narrowed. "And who might you be, young warrior? Wynn is the only person to have visited me in the End of Time for millennia!" As he spoke, the god bounced up and down, seemingly unable to contain his energy.
  3. "I'm not sure. He's always here when I check, but I've also found him in other places around the multiverse." They entered the building and walked down a dim hallway to an open arena area. "Is that Wynn I hear!?" A high-pitched voice called from somewhere above. "Ooh! And she's brought a friend!" There was a loud boom as something crashed into the middle of the arena, kicking up dust and rubble. In the midst of the impact was a strange fuzzy creature. "Welcome, friends!"
  4. "Mmm, the End of Time! Smell that dead air!" The runner slowed as Wynn navigated them through winding cobblestone streets. After a few minutes, they pulled up at a Colosseum-looking building, surrounded by a fancy iron fence. Wynn stopped the runner and jumped off. She turned to TAAron as the wrought iron gates opened on their own. "Remember, don't pick a fight with Spekkio unless you want to loose. He won't actually hurt you, but he might damage your ego, if you have one."
  5. "Perhaps." A light appeared in the distance. "Look, we're here! Remember, ignore the daemons. They just want to eat your soul."
  6. I am not a cello player, but I am a cello appreciator. It is far superior to violin. (Having lived in a house with a beginner violin and a beginner cello, the cello was much less annoying) Go cellos! Go and beat those people who see your cello cases and ask if you play guitar!
  7. "Your first duel runner ride. Most people throw up. The fact that you haven't yet is reassuring."
  8. "Careful there." Wynn pressed a button on the control board and suddenly it felt like they weren't moving. Their surroundings morphed into inky blackness. "Sorry, I probably should've raised the shields before we started. I haven't driven with a first-timer in a very long time. "So, what do you think?"
  9. "Great." Wynn handed TAAron a helmet. "Hop on. Whatever you do, don't fall off and don't look the space daemons in the eyes." The duel runner took off and accelerated until everything was a vague blur. "Our ETA is five minutes."
  10. "A god of war. I need his blessing if I want to help Haly. He could probably help you too... maybe. It depends on how strong you are." Wynn reached in her duel runner's compartment and pulled out a pair of helmets. "You coming or not?"
  11. Wynn considered for a second. "Actually, do you want to come with? Spekkio loves visitors."
  12. "Your world's evil god, Malum, broke your soul or something. Nameless took us to these creepy monster guys, and they healed you for a price. Malum possessed you and forced you to give up your memory. And now we're here." Wynn summoned her duel runner. "If you guys don't mind, I'm gonna make a quick detour before we move on to Haly's dimension. I should be back soon."
  13. "She... She probably feels like she lost everything she had with you. Most mortals don't understand the difference between memory and identity. Show her. If you want what you had, show her that it can happen again." Wynn sighed as he left. "Well, we have two options. Go to Haly's world, or teleport randomly across the multiverse."
  14. "Well Nameless, if that's really what you think. Clearly, you need to work things out on your own. I respect that." "She's strong. Get to know her. I promise, it'll be better for both of you in the long run."
  15. "Don't be an idiot. Of course she loves you. Maybe she thinks she doesn't, but feelings don't just disappear. And TAAron is not dead. You are TAAron. You look like him, you talk like him, and even though you might not remember anything, you have the same Shadow as him. Those aren't things that can be faked- not all of them together. "I promise, if you give it some time and show her who you are, she'll come to her senses, provided you still want to be with her."
  16. "Yes. You two were adorable..." Wynn gave him a pitying look. "Perhaps you could regain that... She still loves you, but everything has been confused." "Bye!" Wynn said sarcastically. "Thanks for stranding all of us here with no reliable way to leave! You really are heroic!" Ugh. I hope I'm not overselling it.
  17. "Ah, that's question." Wynn chuckled halfheartedly. "Out of all of us, I've known you for the least amount of time. You... you are very loyal to your friends. The world you came from was destroyed or something, and losing the people you cared about hurt you, I think. Whenever there was even the tiniest possibility of danger, you tried to keep us from risking ourselves for you- especially Haly. You guys were so sweet." Wynn thought for a second. "Wherever you end up going, I would urge you to keep in mind that your memories do not define you. You are still TAAron, even if you can't remember your past." "Yep." Wynn grinned darkly. "There are a few things I need to do, and staying with her will speed things up."
  18. "Wonderful. What will it take to get rid of him?" "And how are you faring?" Wynn asked TAAron. "This is probably quite confusing to you."
  19. Just before they left the tower, Wynn pinned the location on her duel disk's navigator. Just in case... "Nameless, you seem distracted. Are you having a telepathic conversation?" Dang it, it better not be him again.
  20. "You think to loud, and your Shadow won't shut up. Do you even love your sister? Is she just a pawn to you? There are more important things than your tiny world, and this is one of them. After this, I will come to your world and do whatever it takes to let Haly be free. Do you understand." It is done. At least he lives. And what is taken can always be regained... for a price.
  21. Shadows inside Wynn whispered. She forced herself to ignore the Finn. "No." Wynn replied shortly. "The one you intend for her will die if ever you force her to marry."
  22. Wynn closed her eyes. So this was what failure felt like. It seemed familiar. And now everything's come full circle. Funny. I wonder if it hurt as bad the first time. She honed her anger until it was burning cold. Nothing can save Malum now.
  23. Wynn deflated. "If he doesn't accept, it doesn't matter anyway. It's... it's inevitable, isn't it." I'll make Malum pay. By the Twin Roads, I'll destroy him. No one denies the Shadow Realm for long.
  24. Nononononono. Wynn addressed the Finn. "Excuse us for a second, would you?" Turning to TAAron, her face cleared, now utterly devoid of emotion. "Malum, I challenge you to a Shadow Game."
  25. Wynn punched TAAron in the stomach. "No. No. No. No." She turned to Nameless. "That goes for you too. Do I need to punch you to get my point through?" And you, Tors. We need you to fight Malum. You can't abandon us no matter how appealing it seems.
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