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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. "That reminds me. I've been meaning to ask, how does your healing work? Where I come from, we don't have any healers."
  2. Wynn nodded. "We need to keep a close eye on him." She looked at the two. "I don't know if Haly is up to the task... her instability is growing."
  3. I like Szeth. His character arc is very interesting, and it has a lot of potential in general. His perspective changes things up from how the other characters are written.
  4. Wynn tried to pretend she couldn't hear the lovebirds. "So, Lerac. What's on your mind?"
  5. String theory. My brain doesn't work anymore.
  6. Wynn said nothing. That seemed to be the thing to do in these kinds of situations. Her power has limits... we need to find them before this happens again.
  7. Great. Now I'm wet. Wynn let go of the unfortunate archivist and went to Haly. She definitely exceeded her limits. This is becoming a problem.
  8. Wynn's instincts took over. In a flash, she had TAAron in a full nelson. "Lerac. Heal. Now."
  9. "No! Bad evil god!" Wynn yanked TAAron away from the flames. "Lerac, can we get a healer over here?"
  10. Hmm... Did her power source run out? "Haly, are you okay?" Wynn was concerned.
  11. "Reign it in." Wynn's eyes danced with the flames. "Fire is your servant. Keep it bridled."
  12. Yes, it makes a terrible babysitter. TPBM knows a real-life Perry the Platypus
  13. "You do, and sometimes it's incredibly rude and insensitive. But you're a mortal. You must know how mortals think, right? What traits make a person friendly?"
  14. Wynn looked at TAAron. Why do I even try to be a good friend? Not once have I helped a situation by being nice to someone. She whispered so only Lerac could hear. "How do you be nice to people? I'm trying, but it isn't working."
  15. Objection! Repetititive! *looks guilty*
  16. What is that I definitely know what it is and it's so good I eat it straight from the can. TPBM just learned that some sea slugs perform photosynthesis via stealing chloroplasts and now they can't stop thinking about it.
  17. Wynn did her best to smile. "We knew that when we signed on for this. Besides, death is a fleeting thing nowadays."
  18. "Has this quest failed yet? Don't weave yourself a self-fulfilling prophecy." Say something inspirational. "On your own, perhaps you would fail. But you aren't alone. We are a team, and no matter what happened in the past, it won't affect our success in the future. Now get up! We have a soul to fix!" Too much? Maybe a little.
  19. Emotions... Wynn looked at Haly crying. Good friends try to comfort each other. I guess I should try. "This is not the past." She looked Haly in the eyes. "Bad things might've happened, but you've learned from them, grown from them. Without you, we would be dead at least three times over- I kept track." How to phrase this... "We need you, Haly. Don't abandon your duty- don't abandon TAAron. We will not succeed without you."
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