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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. Welcome! What's your favorite animal?
  2. Welcome to the shard! Who's your favorite character?
  3. Hey! You stole my question! How do you comfort a friend who's gone through a rough breakup and has severe anxiety about it?
  4. YES! That's what I've been telling people! TPBM learned about how to become a bounty hunter instead of working on their final project for an AP class.
  5. Happy Birthday Mr. Writer Person!

  6. "The machine-gunners’ dreams of point blank fire into serried masses of Emus were soon dissipated. The Emu command had evidently ordered guerrilla tactics, and its unwieldy army soon split up into innumerable small units that made use of the military equipment uneconomic. A crestfallen field force therefore withdrew from the combat area after about a month" - Dominic Louis Serventy

    Happy Koloss head munching day!

  7. "I have no idea. Would it appease the duel spirits? They get power by leeching energy from humans souls. You'd have to test it." Dang it! I bet Purple took them again. He's always getting in the way of my quests. This is gonna be the Pits of Hathsin all over again!
  8. "It's easier to summon monsters using holograms, but I think I could. You're mortal though, so you'd either have to sacrifice someone else's soul, kill yourself, or find an object containing a deceased magician. Oh, and if your mind isn't strong enough you'll become possessed by a monster spirit. You good with that?"
  9. Wynn patted her pockets. "Um... I seem to have misplaced my cards- wait, I have a kuriboh!" She summoned it, frowning. I never put my cards anywhere but my duel disk. What happened to them?
  10. I've never murdered someone who didn't deserve it... I think. "Ah, who cares about safety? S'mores are better."
  11. Ah okay that makes sense why I told myself to commit murder then. Wynn turned to Haly. "So... new powers? Might as well look at the positive, right? Now you can make s'mores."
  12. Wynn scratched her head. We were in the End of Time, trying to get to the tower... I'm guessing we're in the tower now. Please tell me I didn't waste my soul on something useless.
  13. Wynn squinted and read the cuts on her hand. Go to Haly's homeworld; bring the pain. Why would I want to do that...? "Making deals with strange creatures never goes as intended. Trust me, I have experience with this. We need to plan everything in advance."
  14. "And why do the murder monsters know how to heal humans? Why would they want to heal humans?"
  15. Only sane one in the group. Why are we following the treacherous monster people? And we need to deal with Malum and Haly's powers. This isn't gonna work. Wynn muttered under her breath. "What are we even doing here? How do we know this will work?"
  16. Wynn narrowed her eyes. "I think you need to tell us more about your powers and how they work."
  17. Wynn's reaction was the opposite of TAAron's. "What the heck was that? I mean, you almost turned us into extra-well done steaks, but that was freakin' awesome! When'd you learn how to make fire?"
  18. Wynn sighed. This was not something she wanted to waste soul on. Better than dying, though. She chose cheap memories- running diagnostics on her duel runner and repairing all the scratches. The Shadow Magic was eager in her hands. "Down, fire." The flames disappeared.
  19. Hmmm... A different solution is needed then. "Lerac, are you okay?" Wynn's mind raced, trying to come up with another solution.
  20. Not being able to help Lerac hurt worse than the pain itself had. "How is he doing it? If we know that, maybe we can block him or something."
  21. Wynn looked concerned. "Does it still hurt? How can I help you?"
  22. Wynn looked at Lerac. Is he going to be okay? I should be able to resist, but I don't know how strong he is.
  23. He... has a way to get into our heads or something. It hurts.
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