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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. Welcome! That's really cool! Oboe is HARD! Least favorite food... Probably mashed potatoes. I have sensory processing disorder, and the texture bugs me.
  2. Wynn looked embarrassed. "Oh yeah. What can I do to help?"
  3. "What is getting worse?" She shook her head. "Sorry, I'm a little slow right now."
  4. Wynn grunted. "Could it be Malum? Or something else?"
  5. Welcome to the shard! Who's your least favorite character?
  6. Welcome! Who's your favorite cosmere character?
  7. "Not sure. He was in my head, like Tors... but not. He didn't want me to gag TAAron." She looked at the poor man, gagged and bruising where she had punched him. Sorry.
  8. Wynn put a hand to her temple. "I...uh... I must have sent that memory to the Shadow Realm when I was fighting off Malum. Weird. Usually I try to use older memories." She looked at her feet. "Do you think he can do that again? Or to other people?"
  9. Wynn inspected him. Dang it girl, why'd you have to punch him so hard? "I didn't break anything, at least. He might have a concussion or something. I'm not a medical expert." Wynn suddenly looked around at their surroundings in confusion. "Uh... Where are we?"
  10. "...Oh. Malum... in my head. Ow. Is TAAron okay?"
  11. Wynn stumbled. "Mmm... What?" She asked, disoriented.
  12. "I've felt worse. Besides, there's not enough of me left to go insane. I can take anything you throw at me." Wynn gagged TAAron through a haze of pain.
  13. Wynn didn't answer. Instead, she punched TAAron full-force in the face. Then she looked confused. Dang. Too far.
  14. "The... Shadow Realm is... beyond time. Like stasis." Wynn gritted her teeth and pushed against the invader. "The pain would be... the same as what he experiences now." GETOUTGETOUTGETOUTGETOUT
  15. Wynn managed to speak while trying to force him out of her head. "If I send TAAron to the Shadow Realm, his body will be lifeless, unable to be controlled by any force until I choose to bring his soul back. Wanna bet that I'll go through with it?"
  16. I love this. I love that we needed to know this.

    (For context, look at my location)639ea29f44794_Screenshot2022-12-1711_17_53PM.thumb.png.186bd736f9460bd3c5c92f3e307d9d15.png

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
    3. Ranryu



      But dare I ask why your location is a future date?

      I'm not really sure. I remember doing extensive calculations. It's most likely a birthday, or when I predicted the world would end. My memory isn't the best. :lol:

    4. Mr. Misting

      Mr. Misting

      I like how doomsday and someone's birthday are the two viable options. That's very funny.

  17. "NO ONE is allowed in my head without permission. GET OUT OR I'LL MAKE YOU." Wynn directed the full force of her consciousness- her thoughts, power, and pain- towards Malum. "Leave me alone, or I'll cut your puppet's strings."
  18. Wynn shook her head roughly. "No. NO! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" Acting on instinct, she mustered a huge blast of Shadow Magic, trying to force Malum out of her head.
  19. Wynn shook her head. Nonsense, pure nonsense. "The gag is going back on now."
  20. Wynn growled. The sound of his voice grated on her nerves. "Shut up or I'll gag you again."
  21. "Better safe than sorry." Wynn sniffed. "I don't trust anything that comes out of your mouth."
  22. Wynn turned to Nameless. "We still have his metals, right?" She whispered.
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