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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. "Great. Let's speedrun this and fix TAAron's soul ASAP." Wynn looked distracted.
  2. Wynn smacked her lips. "That song tasted good. What's it called?"
  3. Wynn perked up at the tune, humming a harmony to it almost without realizing it.
  4. Wynn narrowed her eyes. A blatant lie. Why try something so obvious?
  5. The only working energy bath is... inaccessible at the moment. I didn't remember this in full until recently. A... friend helped jog my memory. Besides, my condition isn't critical and shouldn't be unless I'm forced to use massive amounts of Shadow Magic with no alternate trade to make. I could tell by your slightly distracted tone.
  6. Enough soul... I'm not like mortals, with their firm, near-unbreakable souls. My soul is easily fragmented, and it slowly grows back over time. For most of my kind, this makes little difference until after death. My Shadow Magic deals in the bargaining of souls to the Shadow Realm. I use bits of my own soul... my memory. But I haven't had time to regenerate recently. Without regular energy baths, my healing ability is greatly slowed. It's been centuries... Wynn pulled herself together. You're having two conversations at once, aren't you?
  7. Wynn smiled tiredly. I never had it bad like Haly did. My interest was mostly to give her some competition- encouragement without being as blunt as Lerac. And besides, I'm not looking for a relationship right now. There's not enough of me left for that level of emotion.
  8. I'm happy for them. Wynn replied. This has been building for some time. Hopefully their relationship doesn't hinder the goal of our mission, though. Neither of them seem like the type to be so easily distracted, but when it comes to romance, you never know. Wynn adjusted her duel disk wistfully. Have you seen any cards lying around?
  9. Sooo helpful... Wynn forced herself to be patient. Nameless was doing the best he could. "Should we follow it then?"
  10. "Why would it be able to do that? It locates dimensional signals, not magical maps of mystical towers." Nameless... why? She checked anyway. "It's reading high amounts of unidentified radiation from that direction," she gestured. "But I'm not sure if that helps us at all."
  11. Wynn looked at her surroundings. "So how are we supposed to find our way?"
  12. Why are you eating that pikachu? I love that this is where my tax dollars are going.
  13. But Noot was insistent on baking the Cellist into a cookie. Now the raisins were meat chunks. Chicken cookies.
  14. No, confuzzlement is always moderate, not extreme. Hey, where's Perry?
  15. Noot baked The Cellist into cookies again. The Cellist found himself inside a giant cookie, complete with its own wildlife and functioning society of sentient raisins.
  16. Links to various theories and cosmere planets. 8/10
  17. While you are distracted by font colors, Ranryu steals the sandwich and donates it to charity.
  18. Actually, it's quite soft. I am Groot.
  19. A dragon without a person face. 10/10 for not having a person face.
  20. Yes. It's very fun. Have you ever had a conversation in metaphor but the other person doesn't know it and they're really confused?
  21. "You should give {insert name here} the giraffe, because she's tall." - @Ookla the Unknowing
  22. Wynn nodded. "Just waiting for someone to tell us where we're going."
  23. Welcome! Who's your favorite character so far?
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