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Everything posted by Ranryu


    The heater broke. I sleep on the opposite side of the house from the fireplace. Tonight is going to be fun. If I never post anything again, it's because I froze to death.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Ranryu


      Well my house was 55 degrees this morning, so I felt like I did.

    3. The Halcyon Girl

      The Halcyon Girl

      Owch. U done with finals yet? 


      Not to change the subject or anything


    4. That1Cellist


      Nah, they're next week for us all.

  2. Why did I just buy the pickle-flavored potato chips?! I WANTED THE DORITOS *sobs* That's lovely dear, but did you need to add quite so many pauses for laughter?
  3. Wynn gave the lovebirds some privacy. Besides, meditation was supposed to increase soul regeneration speed. Of course, Wynn didn't get a chance to try. Hey kid. Purple sounded guilty. You lost my deck, didn't you? Purple sighed. At least the cards aren't destroyed. They fell into a vortex when I was being chased by a Moundbot. What were you doing in the Mound? That place's a lost cause. Wynn held her irritation in check. Last time you lost my cards, it took me centuries to find them all. Wanna bet that this time it'll take longer? Hey, at least I didn't break your runner again- Don't remind me. You were too young to remember, but the Mound was paradise. If we found a way to restore it, everything could go back to the way it was. The Aos Si would never learn. You're dead. No matter how you try- how much you extort my Shadow Magic, things will never be how they were. You essentially killed Ranryu. I'm not letting you mess this quest up any further. Good bye. Wynn shut Purple out, blocking further communication.
  4. A person with a face. 7/10. Three points off for having a face.
  5. Wynn watched their exchange from a distance. Even with Lerac's meddling, it all worked out as it should. Now if only I could have my deck back, everything would be perfect.
  6. Wynn was a little annoyed with Nameless. Of all the magic towers we could've gone to, he brought us to this one. We don't have that kind of Luck. "Please tell me you have a plan." @Ookla the Untitled
  7. "My chromebook is like a potato but different." - @Ookla the Perpetual
  8. Band concert status: hooray, we got it over with.

    Not my worst performance ever (no tornadoes this time), but definitely not my best. I've been gone all last week, and I come back and learn that I actually have duties as the first chair flute. (everyone... staring at me...) I brought the wrong music onstage. I'm lucky the song was so easy and repetitive. My poor, sweet stand partner didn't even get annoyed; she's amazing.

    This performance sounded the best out of any band I've been in, though. Having competent brass players makes a difference. It wasn't quite as good as the symphony orchestra though.

    At least I didn't forget my flute this time. Or give the first chair cellist a cheeseburger. Both of those things end badly.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Ranryu


      *scoffs at the false confidence of the first chairs*

      Wait. *Withdraws scoffing* I can't scoff at myself that's weird.

      Still no cheeseburgers though. How about chicken nuggets? They have a lot less potential for destruction. 

    3. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette


      icy foo


    4. That1Cellist


      Wait you imply that I have false confidence?

      And you imply that I enjoy eating?

  9. Wynn gave Lerac a face that clearly read, shut up and stay out of this. "Don't worry, TAAron. Mr. Idea Man here," she gestured at Lerac, "doesn't know when to stop talking, but he hasn't caused anything terrible to happen. Just give Haly a few minutes to cool down. "And you." She turned to Lerac. "We need to have a serious-" She was cut off by Haly.
  10. Wynn signed. "I see your point, but you still can't do this. It's not as real if you force her. She barely knows you; this probably isn't something she wants you to meddle in. You should ask her first."
  11. "Let her be uncertain. When she comes to her own conclusion, the joy will be much more sweet."
  12. Wynn blocked his way. "You need to stop. It's not polite, and isn't making anyone happy except yourself."
  13. "At least three months." Wynn sniffed. "But even I know you don't go meddling with other people's relationships like that. I know you mean well, but what possible benefit could come from you doing this?"
  14. Wynn facepalmed. Lerac was almost as terrible as she was.
  15. There are plenty of normal, non-squishy percussion players. Wait. Never mind, I was thinking of something else. Percussionists are insane.
  16. Shark was the most adorable thing Wynn had ever seen. "Of course! Come back to our camp; I'm sure the boys would love to meet you!"
  17. "Would you be willing to come help us fight an evil god?"
  18. Wynn chuckled. "I'm sure you will. You have a name, fierce warrior?"
  19. Wynn chuckled. "Hey, Buddy. How's life?" She absently scratched him on the head.
  20. Wynn gave him a flat look. "Girl talk. Just give us a bit." They walked out of sight of the others. "Boys. Utterly oblivious." Suddenly, a figure appeared, leaping out of the bushes.
  21. "Come on." Wynn grabbed Haly. "You think you could Find another taco?" They walked into the trees.
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