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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. Wynn decided to intervene. "Just give the girl a break. Romance is tough." She walked over.
  2. It was probably best to pretend like she couldn't hear them. Wynn smiled, shaking off the disappointment of losing her cards.
  3. Wynn watched Haly and Lerac converse from a distance. Her duel disk lit up with soft purple light. Hey kid. Can I borrow your deck for a bit? Kind of in the middle of something. So am I. Come on, please? I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important. Fine. I'm not letting you have my runner again, though. Thanks! I promise you won't regret this! I already do. A shadowy rip in the air appeared, a gray hand grabbing Wynn's cards and disappearing. Great. Now all I have is Kuriboh and my Shadow Magic.
  4. "Does that mean we lost contact with Tristan?" Wynn asked
  5. “Huh. I have no idea how this could’ve happened then.” Are you… dead?
  6. “Lerac, something weird must’ve happened when you healed him.” Wynn guessed. TAAron can see and hear but not move. Where are you right now?
  7. Wynn addressed TAAron. “This is not good.” You are writing with a stick. Using TAAron’s body. Explain.
  8. TAAron is writing your words with a stick. Are you doing this unintentionally?
  9. Wynn Sylphcharmer. How are you controlling TAAron?
  10. "It must have." Wynn sighed. "Tap code would be a lot easier than a direct number-to-letter code, but I guess maybe they don't know it." 23 8 15 1 18 5 25 15 21?
  11. "Smart." Wynn muttered. "But this is gonna take forever." 20 1 16 3 15 4 5?
  12. "It's a form of communication used in dimensions with no light or sound. I guess it doesn't work too well here." Wynn's brow furrowed in thought. "Do you think they'd understand Morse code?"
  13. Wynn thought for a second. "You mind if I try something?" She asked TAAron. Who are you? She traced on his palm.
  14. "I gathered that much. Last time he came up in conversation, you freaked out."
  15. A short conversation I overheard this morning: Brother: Mom, I'm spraying your shoe with humans! Mom: What kind of humans? Brother: One, two, five humans! Mom: My shoes have been humanized. *walks away* Brother: Come back! The humans aren't finished!
  16. Zephyr's awe was practically tangible. "You're so cool... The idea of keeping a dragon as a pet seems stupid now." She ignored Charlotte. "Okay, let's fight!" Zephyr darted to the side. "You're so big... I bet you're pretty ticklish." She began tickling the dragon.
  17. Uh oh. This isn't gonna end well. Wynn braced herself. "So apparently Malum isn't the only one who can control you."
  18. Wynn's hair stood up from static electricity. "TAAron, do you have any idea who's controlling you? Or if we could find a way to communicate with them?"
  19. "What are you doing?" Wynn asked in bemusement.
  20. "Uhh... TAAron, you aren't gonna attack us again or anything, right?" Wynn readied her duel disk just in case.
  21. negative 7. My face has been known to make small children cry. (At least twice) Bees are fuzzy angels of the garden, and their cuteness rating is ten billion.
  22. "Long story. He got possessed and tried to kill you. He's better now." Um. Yeah, that sums it up. "Take it easy for a bit. I'm guessing it's not healthy for you to do that too often."
  23. "Hmm... He must have been unable to heal your soul damage. Are you in any pain?" She turned to Lerac. "And you? How bad does it hurt?"
  24. Wynn looked concerned. "You can't move because it hurts, or you literally can't move?"
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