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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. Wynn shrugged. "We could always use another healer, and it'd be nice to not be the only sane person in the group." Wynn studied Lerac. Hmm... Magic plant guy. Interesting.
  2. "If you're okay with the danger. We could use some more help."
  3. When you feel like a wimp for being sick in bed all week, but then you test positive for strep and the flu.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard


      When you feel like a wimp for being sick in bed all week, but then you test positive for strep and the flu.

      You're not a wimp for being sick in bed all week, a normal flu knocked me out for a week earlier this semester.

      Sometimes they hit like a truck.

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Or do trucks hit like the flu.......?

    4. Morningtide


      Both!!!! That's crazy. 

  4. Wynn pressed a few buttons on her duel disk. "That's fascinating, but perhaps we should get back to the task at hand? TAAron's soul isn't getting any less damaged."
  5. "Nah, don't worry about it. I kind of got bored of the series after a while, and we're probably gonna die on this adventure, so it's unlikely I'll ever get around to reading them again." Wynn sat crossed legged on the ground. "You gonna tell or not?"
  6. Wynn looked at Haly and Lerac, who were still having their awkward conversation. "I think we have time."
  7. Wynn listened in amusement for a minute, then realized that nothing good would come from this conversation. "I hate to interrupt, but I think we have more important things to do than discuss Haly's love interests. Like fixing TAAron's soul, maybe?" "That makes perfect sense. Thanks for explaining in detail." Wynn rolled her eyes.
  8. A random guy named George With A Silent Invisible J walked by and punched everyone (non-personified), snickering as he did. Because chaos
  9. Uhh... It looks edible enough. "Thanks." Wynn accepted the plant. "How are you making plants grow? Nothing can survive in the End of Time's soil, as far as I know. You didn't even plant any seeds. Actually, that seems a lot more complicated than being possessed. And is your name actually Sicarius?" "I kind of guessed from the whole "One Power" thing. How'd you end up in the clinic in the first place?"
  10. "And how do you think he got so beat up? Maybe you weren't trying to kill us, but someone controlling your body was. It would be nice to at least know where you're from or how you got here so we can better prepare for things like this in the future."
  11. *Tubas playing the theme song while the conductor is counting the band off for the national anthem* *Tubas playing the theme song literally any time they think they can get away with it* *Everyone dancing to the theme song when they think no one else is paying attention*
  12. "Dude, you just tried to kill us. I think we have a right." "Cool, but you never know. Maybe everything we know is just a book written by some random guy from Minnesota. Hopefully we're a best seller." Wynn paused for a second. "Wait. We're going where?"
  13. Wynn let herself relax. The man didn't seem threatening any more. "Thanks. Uh... Sorry for threatening to kill you. So who are you actually?" "Umm... break the fourth wall much? Or do you have a concussion again?"
  14. "You got possessed or something. Now you better heal the guy you stabbed, or else maybe I'll decide you're not worth keeping alive." Better get another Time Freeze ready, just in case... Maybe an Aromage too.
  15. Wynn looked at Nameless. Then she looked at TAAron. Now I'm the only conscious person. Great. She turned to the newly healed man. "Tell me you have some kind of healing magic."
  16. Only used the word "haiku" twice in one post, when everybody knows if you use the word haiku, you have to use it at least three times. Haiku/10
  17. "Okay. Be ready to heal him immediately." "I end my turn!" Wynn announced, pressing a button on her duel disk. The ice dissapeared.
  18. "Great." Wynn said sarcastically. "Do you need bandages? Nurse Joy left her bag here." These boys are gonna be the death of me.
  19. "Uh..." Dang it. Nurse Joy must've gone back to her own dimension. "You sure you're okay? I think being stabbed qualifies as 'not fine'. Oh wait. You can heal. Never mind."
  20. "I'm just gonna slide this over here." Wynn pushed the block of ice over to TAAron and her duel runner. "Don't wanna let the space demons get ahold of it." "You okay Nameless? You look kinda tired."
  21. "Don't heal him if it kills you, but you just stabbed him in the chest, so he's probably gonna die soon." "Wait." Wynn's face lit up with an idea. "Time freeze." The man became encased in ice. "One frozen almost dead guy, with a side of magic."
  22. Wynn ran over. "Quick, Nameless, do you think you can heal him?"
  23. Thanks, Cyber Dragon, Wynn said to the monster spirit as she released it. Nameless seemed to have things more or less under control, so she turned to TAAron to make sure he was alright.
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