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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. Cyber Dragon, being a robot, began sparking but was otherwise undamaged. It reared up and let out a mechanical roar. "You good?" Wynn asked Nameless. @Ookla the Untitled
  2. It took Wynn a second to process what was going on. Idiot. You're wasting valuable time. "I summon Cyber Dragon! Attack!" As her dragon attacked, Wynn dragged TAAron away from the fight. "Mirror Force!" An iridescent bubble appeared around TAAron. She turned to Sicarius. "Assassin, you're gonna regret that!"
  3. Dang it, Nameless.Oh well. Too late now. "Yep. That's TAAron."
  4. Noot was SO CLOSE to baking the ultimate cookie. He had prepped the oven, measured the flour, and done all other relevant cookie-making things. Now came the last step. In order for the cookies to become ultimate, Noot was required to sacrifice a Narrator to the Being of Infinite Cookies. After some debate, Noot decided to sacrifice @Ookla the Unknowing. It really wasn't that hard. Cello players were easy to murder.
  5. "Angry god. Unstable magic user. Space demons. We're all going to die eventually. I just have a feeling that the cause of our deaths will have something to do with this adventure. Don't worry. From what I can remember, there are far worse things than dying." She turned and looked at TAAron, her volume dropping. "Having your soul damaged, for one."
  6. "Well, that depends. Odds are, we're all gonna die. How comfortable are you with that?"
  7. "Nope. Beings powerful enough to be considered gods are actually quite common, if you look hard enough." Wynn stared into the distance. "The god of war is somewhere in this little dimension. If he hasn't noticed us yet, he probably will soon." She pulled herself back to the subject at hand. "Anyway, yes, it's pretty bad. For some reason the god's intent on destroying us, especially this one right here. If he was awake, he could probably explain things better. As it is, I think we're lucky he's still alive."
  8. "Long story. This one," The gestured to TAAron. "Has an angry god trying to kill him or something. We came here to escape and rest up a bit. Found a subdimensional signal that took us here via duel runner, if you can believe our luck."
  9. "Most likely yes. We're a little in the dark here." Be ready, Ranryu. If he tries anything...
  10. A duel spirit hissed in Wynn's head. She shook it, juggling conflicting instincts. Well, at least he's probably not a space demon. "What's in the briefcase?"
  11. Wynn carefully accepted it. "Likewise. And where are you from, Sicarius?"
  12. Wynn relaxed slightly. The stranger seemed nonthreatening, despite the dagger. "You must be pretty powerful if you made it here without getting eaten by demons. Sorry for the cold greeting. Can't be too careful. Now what did you say your name was?"
  13. Clever response. Wynn eyed him. "His soul is damaged, and it just got worse or something. Who are you and where did you come from? Only a select few know how to get to the End of Time."
  14. "Tell me a lie. Space demons can't lie." Wynn readied her duel disk. Space demon or not, the last thing the group needed was another drawn-out fight.
  15. Wynn narrowed her eyes and positioned herself between TAAron and the stranger. "Prove your not a space demon. I'm not letting one of your kind eat any more of my friends."
  16. Wynn stood up. "Space demon. Don't listen to anything it says. Get ready for a fight, guys."
  17. Nurse Joy blinked. As she spoke, a speech box appeared in front of her. "Oh no! I'm afraid I don't have any of my equipment! His ailment isn't entirely physical. A telepath of some sort would be better suited to this than me!"
  18. Come on idiot. Wake up. Wynn thought with worry. Don't die please. Wynn pulled out her duel disk and adjusted some of the settings. "Give him a little energy, will you Ranryu? Don't fry him, though."
  19. "How much? I'm guessing he used a considerable amount when he Pushed everything. It just seems wise to make sure he can't get any more until he's healed."
  20. "I'm not gonna go rifling through his stuff, but it's dangerous for everyone if he has access to metals. Unless you have a better idea?"
  21. Wynn shook her head. Ugh. Boys. If not for Haly, I swear... She grabbed TAAron's bag. "Look, his metals. I'm just going to hold on to these for the time being."
  22. "Dies?" Wynn stared at him. "Fixing a dislocated shoulder is not worth death!"
  23. Cool, I have superpowers! I'm gonna do the most awesome thing ever. It depends. How many Earths are there?
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