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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. "Um... Are you up to that? What if you accidentally vaporized me or something?"
  2. Okay, better get this over with. "Nameless, on the count of three, I need you to push my shoulder back into its socket." @Ookla the Untitled
  3. "Haly, do you know where TAAron keeps his metal vials?" @Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff
  4. Of course he passes out now. Why couldn't he have done that before he threw me thirty feet? Well, I guess I probably asked for it, provoking him like that. Wynn stood up. Yep. Definitely dislocated. She turned to Haly and Nameless. "Should we maybe try to take his metals away so he doesn't hurt himself again? Doesn't burning them make his soul damage worse?"
  5. The fence leaned over then came back up like it was on some kind of invisible hinge. Wynn, however, went flying. Ow. Okay, tough love doesn't work. I'll just lie here for a bit. She didn't get up. Rethink my life choices maybe. The arm her duel disk was strapped to burned. Dislocated shoulder, maybe. Her other arm was cut from her bracelets pushing into her skin. Good thing he can't push the steel plating. I would be very much dead.
  6. "Well, I'm helping you weather you like it or not." She stared at him stubbornly. "And probably isn't concrete enough to freak out like that. We are GOING to find him, and we are GOING to fix your soul, so STOP BEING SAD AND GET TO WORK." I don't think I'm doing this right. He doesn't look cheered up. Why do I always have to be the 'tough love' person?
  7. "Okay, but why is he targeting TAAron specifically? And this Tristan guy... him being not dead is a good thing, right? We can go find him and beat the bad guy and everything will be happy and great, right?" Her tone was slightly sarcastic. "Look, TAAron. I'm bad at being empathetic, so I'll tell it too you straight. This evil destruction guy is bad news, and he's done stuff to you, I get that. If you actually wanna make things better, then you need to pull yourself together. We're gonna go fix your soul and stop the bad guy and find your friend, so you need to get your head in the game." Oof. That was a little bit mean. I hope it worked. If this is some sort of weird soul damage thing, then that could be... bad.
  8. My brother literally has no sense of self preservation, common sense, or actually anything involving logic. Today, he pushed a stool to the edge of our staircase and stood on it. Directly after that, he tried on his brother's bow tie and almost strangled himself. When I took it away, he started screaming about an orange bow tie. We don't own any orange bow ties. After that, he decided it would be fun to sit on our dining room table in only a diaper, eating from a huge pot of popcorn. Where he got so much popcorn, I have no idea. Oh, and the blinds were open so people on the street could see him. I love my siblings, but they're a little crazy. Actually they're completely crazy. Dare I mention the time my oldest little brother decided that my name is actually a species name, therefore making me not human? Have any of you noticed that the oldest child in a family tends to be more responsible and... maybe a little bit bossy?
  9. Wynn awkwardly patted him on the back. "Well, comforting you failed. Let's try a different tactic. Tell me, why is he trying to kill you?"
  10. "Research schesearch. It might not be able to repair your soul, but sometimes just talking things out can help you feel better."
  11. Wynn gave TAAron a stern look. "I understand that you're in a lot of distress right now, but you cannot go running off like that. This dimension is incredibly dangerous if you don't know your way around. Would you like to be examined by Nurse Joy when she's done with Nameless?"
  12. "What the heck. Where'd my contact go?" *squints in confusion* "Oh. It's in my eye." - @Ookla the Forgettable "How much dirt can a dirt chuck chuck if a dirt chuck can dirt dirt?" - @Ookla the Forgettable
  13. "Uh... She seems skilled enough, but she also doesn't seem to understand the concept of 'death' or 'permanent injury'? Plus, word bubbles appear when she talks."
  14. "Uh, Nameless? Are you still hurt? Because... I found a doctor, but she's a little bit... weird."
  15. Just finished TLM. Spoilers ahead.


    Wayne died in the best way possible. Anything else would've been detrimental to his character. I'm still sad to see him go, though...


    I also felt like the book was paced a little weirdly. All the answers were revealed early on in the book, making it easy to predict what was going to happen. Overall, it felt like just a lot of building for era 3. That's fine, but I was hoping for a little bit more.


    Still a lot better than most of the random trash I find on library shelves, though. I'm sad that Kelsier didn't play a huge role...




    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Finally, Wax will do what he was destined to do

      eat a cheeseburger.

    3. The Bookwyrm
    4. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      friendly reminder:

      huge TLM spoilers to those looking in SU comments

  16. "What if we found a doctor and brought them here? Or got one to come here? Ranryu can send a signal to anyone sensitive enough to notice."
  17. Wynn looked up from her frantic repairing of the scratches on her duel disk. "You won't find any food here. Nothing is native to the End of Time. If you walk down the road to far, or enter any of the buildings, you'll either fall back into the Void or be eaten by space demons. Best not to go exploring." "I'm not inclined to believe that, based on how you were talking crazy just a short time ago. Maybe Spekkio could fix you up, but he'd just as soon kill you. The god of war can be hard to read sometimes."
  18. "Ranryu probably could. You'd have to command her to do it, though. She's bonded to you. It would all depend on if Haly could recognize the signal or not."
  19. Zephyr couldn't control herself. She ran up and hugged the dragon. "Can we fight? Can I ride you? How strong are you? Are you magic? How many dragons are there?"
  20. "Well, we can't go there, but maybe we can find a way to make her come to us? And we really can't delay. Nameless needs medical attention."
  21. "Stop passing out!" Wynn restrained herself from slapping Nameless. "How're we gonna help you if you die?" She turned to TAAron. "Look, I think we need to split up. Someone needs to go find Haly, and someone needs to take Nameless to a doctor."
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