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Status Replies posted by Ranryu

  1. Okay guys. I need ideas now.

    How do I avoid going to a stake dance? Thankfully it’s not for a week or so, but that means I need to get planning.

    1. Ranryu


      Cellist, you are coming or I will literally die. I need your help to kidnap Mr. Photosynthesis and keep him from escaping by jumping out a window, remember?

    2. (See 44 other replies to this status update)

  2. @Ranryu found a rabbit burrow with two dead baby bunnies out side. After realizing that there were five alive bunnies in the burrow, we put them in a chocolate box and went out to a nature-y area in our neighborhood and dug them a new grave burrow. :( Them we just left them there. To die. We could not have taken care of them, and they were probably sick, but I still feel really bad. I got emotionally attached to them too fast. I'm going to go feel sad now. Bye.

    I hope the image works.


  3. Wikihow is still going strong as my favorite website.


    Screenshot 2023-04-07 11.41.55 PM.png

  4. Does anyone have advice on how to be comforting to someone else?

    I have this friend, and her little brother is really difficult. Drug-smuggling-in-jail-at-16-suicidal-abusive difficult. And yesterday he just up and left. He hasn't returned. 

    How do I help my friend with her anxiety?

  5. I’m trying to figure something out, don’t judge me. You don’t need to comment either.

    Screenshot 2023-02-18 at 1.41.34 PM.png

  6. I’m trying to figure something out, don’t judge me. You don’t need to comment either.

    Screenshot 2023-02-18 at 1.41.34 PM.png

  7. GUYS

    We got Tears of the Kingdom gameplay today!!!

    It was so good!!

    Go watch it!!

    Seriously though, this made me unreasonably happy for some reason, I've had kind of a crap day so far, but it made me feel way better. I guess it's just really satisfying to see the realization of something that has been a mystery for such a long time. It wasn't very spoilery as well, it just introduced some of the new gameplay mechanics.

    also links hair was beautiful (But I won't fangirl too much)

  8. Spoiler

    I’m terrified.

    Of being alone.

    I have no choice. I’m also not supposed to be like this. I don’t understand.

    I’m out of time.

    Okay, something happy.

    I have a cello recital next Sunday. I also have a couple of concerts coming up, and some performances I’m going to see. I’m pretty excited.

    Can we get Steve banned from the Smash Ultimate competitive scene? Please?

    Thanks for listening, everybody.

  9. Guys google grammar suggest just tried to correct isn't to ain't. 


    1. Ranryu


      I have discovered that 5 hours of sleep is not enough for me. I'm barely surviving with 6 as it is.

      Oh and the story's posted. It's not very long, but it's posted.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  10. Guys google grammar suggest just tried to correct isn't to ain't. 


    1. Ranryu


      I love doing that, but it doesn't really go well with these 5 am mornings, so nope.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  11. Guys google grammar suggest just tried to correct isn't to ain't. 


    1. Ranryu


      Lol you okay Telrao?

      Jazz band and interlude music for a baptism Saturday, and then the composition contest performance Sunday.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  12. Guys google grammar suggest just tried to correct isn't to ain't. 


    1. Ranryu


      Shh if I focus part two will be done tonight.

      Sleep is overrated anyway. I don't need sleep for my performances tomorrow.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  13. Guys google grammar suggest just tried to correct isn't to ain't. 


    1. Ranryu


      To be fair I was trying to write using 20's slang but still...

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  14. I do believe I almost ready to try Wheel of Time again.

    The world building was fantastic.

    I loved Mat and Perrin.

    Nynaeve was annoying as frick. (I hope that was on purpose on Rob's part)

    There were a good bit of things that I disliked, even hated.


    And yet

    The things that I loved are drawing me in yet again.

    I am in a different state than I was the first time and I do believe I will be able to go through it at a slower pace to match the way Robert Jordan writes. I reread a scene in the Eye of the World that I liked and I'm like "Wait, why did I quit? I like this..."

    Nevertheless, there are those things I hate. Including the (I dunno if this would be counted as a spoiler or not.) lack of Dragon in the Dragon Reborn. Though, it makes sense considering the sequence would've been like my least favorite sequence in Eye of the World. 

    But, yes, I, Thaidakar the Ghostblood, will be trying Wheel of Time sometime in the future.

    Stay tuned.

  15. Happy Saturday people!

    So I have a funny little story to share… Yesterday, Potato was super sick— throwing up and unable to move type sick. That sucks, right? Wellll… This morning I woke up to find that my parents had taken her to the ER. She most likely has appendicitis. We didn’t expect that, because the rest of us have been sick too. 

  16. So remember how Potato was in the ER? Well, her appendix just burst and she’s gonna have surgery in it in the next few hours. 

  17. Today was fun. 

    It was my dad's birthday, so he took potato and I out to eat. We went to this really good Mongolian grill. He, of course, got the all-you-can-eat grill-it-yourself buffet. Potato and I shared dumplings and sushi. And then I accidentally committed a terrible crime. I dropped my sushi in the soy sauce bowl, and then it just fell apart. Being the dummy that I am, I sat there for like a minute and watched it soak before fishing it out. 

    I can't get the taste of shrimp out of my mouth. Everything smells like soy sauce. I never thought I would suffer from too much soy sauce.

    This is just like the time I drank vinegar because it smells good and tastes good in teriyaki sauce. Too much is not good.

    1. Ranryu


      But sharpie burns so bad when you put it on your face; the smell isn’t even worth it.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  18. Today was fun. 

    It was my dad's birthday, so he took potato and I out to eat. We went to this really good Mongolian grill. He, of course, got the all-you-can-eat grill-it-yourself buffet. Potato and I shared dumplings and sushi. And then I accidentally committed a terrible crime. I dropped my sushi in the soy sauce bowl, and then it just fell apart. Being the dummy that I am, I sat there for like a minute and watched it soak before fishing it out. 

    I can't get the taste of shrimp out of my mouth. Everything smells like soy sauce. I never thought I would suffer from too much soy sauce.

    This is just like the time I drank vinegar because it smells good and tastes good in teriyaki sauce. Too much is not good.

    1. Ranryu


      You maniacs. Vinegar smells vastly superior to gasoline. And I’m sure it tastes better too.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  19. Today was fun. 

    It was my dad's birthday, so he took potato and I out to eat. We went to this really good Mongolian grill. He, of course, got the all-you-can-eat grill-it-yourself buffet. Potato and I shared dumplings and sushi. And then I accidentally committed a terrible crime. I dropped my sushi in the soy sauce bowl, and then it just fell apart. Being the dummy that I am, I sat there for like a minute and watched it soak before fishing it out. 

    I can't get the taste of shrimp out of my mouth. Everything smells like soy sauce. I never thought I would suffer from too much soy sauce.

    This is just like the time I drank vinegar because it smells good and tastes good in teriyaki sauce. Too much is not good.

  20. Today was fun. 

    It was my dad's birthday, so he took potato and I out to eat. We went to this really good Mongolian grill. He, of course, got the all-you-can-eat grill-it-yourself buffet. Potato and I shared dumplings and sushi. And then I accidentally committed a terrible crime. I dropped my sushi in the soy sauce bowl, and then it just fell apart. Being the dummy that I am, I sat there for like a minute and watched it soak before fishing it out. 

    I can't get the taste of shrimp out of my mouth. Everything smells like soy sauce. I never thought I would suffer from too much soy sauce.

    This is just like the time I drank vinegar because it smells good and tastes good in teriyaki sauce. Too much is not good.

  21. I had to write a slam poem for English, and this is what I whipped up:



    I can’t find you–

    Where did you go?

    I’m searching and searching, but I can’t find you.


    I had you.


    I swear I had you!


    And then one day I looked at a different person in the mirror–

    Instead of you, I saw…

    I saw me


    She is gone.

    She is dead. 


    Who killed her?


    I did.


    Not entirely sure where it came from, but it's just a short little cliche poem I thought I'd share lol.

  22. Dude, wait... hold up -









    So you know how I said awhile back that I was picking up The Clone Wars again?

    Clone Wars was my childhood. Like, it was my childhood. And also Ninjago but that's a story for another day. I have no memory of this, but my mom tells the story of me constantly insisting my name was Anakin, such that I even carved it into my door at one point - which was weird, considering I had a crush on Ahsoka.

    In retrospect, that's actually... quite problematic.

    But anyways, back to the story. I didn't actually have access to most of the series. We just had the first couple seasons on DVD, and I never really even watched those front to back - I'd just pick out episodes at random to watch epic lightsaber duels and clone troopers blasting out battle droids.

    Then comes Covid. I get sick at one point, and due to a decided lack of rapid testing (y'know... the dark ages), I was confined to my room. Upon request I got the Disney+ account and password, and decided to sink my teeth back into the series to see if it was any good.

    I got a few seasons in. Just past all that boring yawnfest Padme politics stuff. Then I got my negative results back and returned to the real world. I wasn't enjoying it by then, so I didn't really miss it much.

    Fast forward to now. Two... two years later? Three? Blimey. Anyways, I'm getting these videos in my youtube recommend about Star Wars this and that (probably because I'd just come off Andor and had been binging video essays about how god flipping incredible that show was) - one of which in particular being about the politics of star wars. It had a whole section dedicated to the Clone Wars, but I wound up skipping it because a part of me didn't want to be spoiled.

    Then it occured to me.

    Me? Spoiled? A show that came out in 2008?

    I have Disney+! I have time!

    So I start hitting the episodes.



    h e c k

    This show is bloody incredible.

  23. There are many good shows in the world.

    I've said many times before that my favorite show is Phineas and Ferb.

    Well, I'd forgotten what the greatest show was.

    I love Phineas and Ferb, it's in my top three fave shows. It's probably my second favorite next to the absolute greatest show ever created.

    And that show is Gortimer Gibbons: Life on Normal Street. The show is phenomenal, from the music to the script to the acting to the pure awesomeness. If you haven't seen it, go watch it. it's on prime video. If you don't have prime, that's sad. Find one of your friends who just so happens to have it and force them to watch it with you. It will be worth it. If you need faith in humanity again, watch the scudding show.

    This has been another episode of "Thaidakar wants more C418 Minecraft Music and More Seasons of Gortimer Gibbons."

  24. What should I do for my hundredth (or a close enough rounded number) post?

    1. Post the first two chapters of my book.
    2. Make a writing thread where y'all give me prompts.
    3. Idk what else... leave?

    Jk I would never do that.

    Please! let me know.

  25. I have some great news guys!

    I won the senior level for a composition contest I entered last month! The song I entered is an edited version of one of the songs I posted on here. That means my music will be printed in a book, and I get to perform it later this month. Yay!

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