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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. “This is the End of Time, the end of existence! We won’t find any living being here, much less a doctor. We’d have to go to a different dimension.”
  2. Wynn signed. "Clearly, he's not okay. Should we find a doctor or something?"
  3. Wynn's eyes widened. "Um... TAAron? If I'm remembering correctly, you don't have any healing powers, right? And that would mean Nameless is our only healer? If he's broken, then that's a little bit a lot bad." She kneeled next to Nameless. "Okay then, buddy. Who are you and where do you come from?" Her whisper was oddly threatening.
  4. "Does he have a concussion?" Wynn asked. Medical stuff had never really been her strong suit. "Dang it, I don't have any healing cards!"
  5. "Uhhh..." Wynn turned to look at TAAron. "Not good?"
  6. Wynn facepalmed. "I knew I was forgetting something. That's totally my bad, guys." Good. He'll live.
  7. The duel runner hit cobblestone, and it was all Wynn could do to stop it before they crashed into an elaborate wrought-iron fence. The runner tipped over, dumping everyone out on the ground. Wynn winced. That was definitely going to scratch the paint. She examined their surroundings. "Ah, the End of Time. We should be able to get a breather here. Some quick rules," She turned to TAAron. "Don't walk off the road; you'll fall back into the Void. Don't fight the adorable fluffy demon, because he's actually the god of war. Most importantly, if you're thirsty, drink from the sparkle bucket, not the bucket of infinite shadow. If you even touch that bucket of infinite shadow, you'll be teleported to a dimension that's about to be destroyed by a space monster. Any questions?" She slapped Nameless. "Stop being hurt. We have to do stuff now." After a second of him not responding, she realized maybe he was actually hurt. Oops.
  8. Ranryu

    Ask Kajsa Anything!

    Can I steal your squirrel poem?
  9. Wynn pressed a few buttons on her duel disk. A strange looking-motorcycle appeared in a golden shimmer. "Get on!" She yelled to Ranyu, who picked TAAron up and plopped him on the duel runner. "Come on, Nameless, this is the worst possible time to get KO'd!" She dragged him to the duel runner and stuffed him into the seat. It was a bit cramped. "I only have one signal to teleport outta here. Sorry if it's not the most pleasant place!" With a strange ripping sound, the group was teleported to a different dimension.
  10. Ranryu hissed again, louder this time. In a shower of sparks, a figure appeared. "Hey buddy," Wynn greeted Ranryu. She saw the fight. "Um... What's going on here?"
  11. Ranryu squeaked, continuing to send the signal. Wynn's duel disk beeped as the ener-D frequency changed slightly. "Oh good, they found Nameless. Now for Haly..." Wynn summoned a few dream sprites to search for her. @Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff
  12. Ranryu considered for a second, then wound itself around TAAron's hands and feet. It continued to send bolts of energy through the ceiling. Wynn's duel disk beeped. "Hmm. An ener-D signal. Looks like Ranryu is trying to get my attention." She looked around at the gray void. How am I supposed find the others? I can't leave without them. @Ookla the Untitled
  13. Ranryu hissed and sent larger waves of energy to the ceiling. @Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff @Ookla the Untitled
  14. Ranryu squeaked and slithered over to TAAron. After a few seconds of internal debate, it sent a pulse of electricity at him.
  15. Ranryu chuffled, but continued to glow. The energy didn't seem to be damaging its surroundings at all.
  16. Ranryu sniffed, then turned around and looked at TAAron. It began glowing brightly, bolts of energy shooting up into the ceiling.
  17. The little dragon snorted, snout sparking. It slithered off of TAAron's shoulders and began sniffing the floor.
  18. Ranryu nuzzled TAAron's cheek and looked at him inquisitively. Electricity sparked on its wings.
  19. The dragon poked the card with its tail, then draped itself around TAAron's shoulders. Static electricity from its scales made his hair poof up.
  20. The scammers are getting more crafty. Or maybe just more annoying. :P


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Wayne's Unlucky Hat

      Wayne's Unlucky Hat

      I have got this same thing before. I looked at it and was like "what idiot would fall for this." They even put GOOGLE TM at the bottom of their page.

    3. Wayne's Unlucky Hat

      Wayne's Unlucky Hat

      Yeah this is such a scam. If you look up the website f-o.boats that is shown in the screenshot then you get a security error(if you use google with safe search enabled.

      Screenshot 2022-12-05 08.53.32.png

    4. Ranryu


      Amusing. I wonder how long it will take for them to get shut down.

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