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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. The card shimmered in TAAron's hand. A small snakelike dragon appeared floating in front of him. It hissed a greeting.
  2. Wynn didn't have a lot of soul left to work with, but it was pretty easy to find a part to use. "Bye bye, kitty." The memory of her duel with Wizard and subsequent cat cuddle session was pleasant, but not the most important thing inscribed on her soul. The magic itself only took a second to perform. With a sudden jolt, Wynn was awake. The coffin's lid came off surprisingly easily. Around her was grayness. Not evil or frightening like she had expected. Just sad and empty, like a deflated balloon. Now, to find out where she was supposed to go. Wynn had never actually understood that part of the plan. In hindsight, she should've checked. Oh well. At least she wasn't trapped in a nightmare anymore.
  3. "Dad drownded {insert name here}!" - the three year old, very loudly, at his big brother's baptism
  4. My eight year old brother is getting baptized today. 

    It's funny. He still seems so little to me, but he's officially no longer a little child.

  5. The nightmare was over, but Wynn was still dreaming. Trapped in a dream, to be exact. How she wished she could have Haly's ability to dreamwalk! Haly was gone, though, doing something else, and the whispering voice had disappeared. The darkness was soothing, but not particularly productive. She needed to wake up. Perhaps some Shadow Magic was required. Ugh. Wynn hated the stuff. It was dangerous and unreliable, unlike her typical dueling equipment. Her soul hadn't had time to regenerate from her last shadow duel, which meant this would probably hurt a lot. Shadow Magic involved converting a soul into energy. Typically, the soul of another was used, but Wynn was alone, and besides, that was unethical. If she split off only a tiny piece of her soul, it would give her enough energy to wake up without causing irreparable damage. Here goes something...
  6. It's called kidnapping other people and forcing them to read the books. "No, don't eat me! I have magic!" - three year old brother
  7. *laughs at exploding kittens cards* - @InfiniteInsanity
  8. Hey I think @Nameless stole your name. :lol:

    1. NameIess



      Looks like I'll need a new one.

  9. I do that too. Especially the torture part. I hate toucans. They're creepy.
  10. Why Debonair why I can't even punctuate anymore and it's your fault Unkningown sounds like a boss from some obscure video game
  11. Wynn did not want Haly to leave, but she had no way to get her to come back. At least the dream seemed to be over. Now there was cool dimness, devoid of light or motion. Wynn's mind went to the whisper she had heard a few moments before. "Darkness? Are you there?" @Ookla the Unknowing
  12. Nope. Yes sister, we all understand the Big Hero 6 reference. TPBM is envious on people with rubber duck socks.
  13. Yep. Definitly. TPBM knows multiple people with the same name who are friends with each other.
  14. "There's always voices." Wynn replied. "Sometimes we're just good at not listening." A whisper caught Wynn's ear. "Darkness? Who's there?"
  15. "Haly?" Suddenly Wynn could move. "Where are we? What happened?" The bright tendrils of light faded to a smooth, comfortable darkness.
  16. A single whisper parted the rest, smooth and clear. Haly? Wynn couldn't move... but... was that Haly she heard?
  17. Wynn did not like wherever she was. Bright lights burned her eyes, blinding her. Her body would not move no matter how hard she tried, but things around her moved. Creeping twisty things slithered against her skin, and a quiet static noise filled her ears. Wait. Not static. Voices. No! Not the People's only child! A feminine voice whispered, loud but soft, grinding it's way into Wynn's mind. And who would you have us send instead? A man's voice responded in the same unnatural tone. The pair have failed, and no other remains. Her impure blood will allow her passage. I have already lost a child to this venture. Can we not let the living be, set the last of our kind out of this miserable realm? It is my right as mother, and I choose to send my little one somewhere else, somewhere that can nurture her little life. No child deserves to be raised by the spirits of her family. It is not your choice, the man's voice rasped gravely. For the good of we who wish to live again, we will send her. NEVER, the woman's voice became loud, piercing Wynn to the bones. She whimpered, but was unable to move, unable to block that awful sound.
  18. Wynn was frustrated for multiple reasons. "Will someone please tell me what we're doing?" she asked. "You guys and your quadruple magic systems. It's driving me insane!"
  19. With the exception of the first quote, all of these were spoken in the same hour, one after another. "I'm a submarine!" - My youngest brother "I'm a coconut!" - the same brother "I have a hat! It's a SPOOOKY hat! Smell it!" - same brother "And then the ghosts were skeletons and they killed the people until they died." - same brother "You drink a potato smoovilie." - him again "It's not a mumu. It's an apron." You guessed it, the three year old again
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