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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. Okay, you win. There is no possible way that your siblings are as crazy as mine, though. I can bring in @Ookla the Forgettable to testify.
  2. "You did great! That was terrible!" - my band director, to the trumpet section
  3. "If you aren't here, you are absent." - My seminary teacher
  4. Wynn looked at the coffins nervously. "Why coffins?"
  5. Wynn laughed, a hint of bitterness in her tone. "Imagine having a life mission. You guys might think you've failed, but at least you tried, right? At least you can say you didn't sit and do nothing as your people were destroyed. This is why you're classified as heroes. You go and do what you can to make things better. And if your loved ones die, you feel pain. You feel sadness and regret. Take it from someone who can't fathom those emotions. It makes you a lot more powerful and meaningful. When you die, you can say that you did things. Made things happen." Wynn took a breath. "That probably came off kind of cold. Sorry."
  6. Ranryu

    Ask Kajsa Anything!

    I think that I accidentally committed plagiarism. (the shard doesn't have the right joking-sad face emoji) At least I know that this next question is original. What if humanity doesn't exist and we're all squirrels who are having really weird hallucinations? What would you do then?
  7. "I don't know. He... It's hard to describe. It's something you feel before you decide if you like a person... Kind of like a 'hmm, this guy is interesting. I want to get to know him better and see if we'd be a good fit.' Does that make sense? Plus, I also want to help him for non-romantic reasons, as someone who can kind of empathize with his predicament."
  8. Wynn pondered for a second. "Wait Haly. Does the clinic even have any other guys our age? There was this robot cat... but I haven't met anyone else."
  9. Wynn shrugged. "Like is a strong word. I'm interested, perhaps, but that may come from him being just about the only boy I can remember meeting. Besides, I don't want to alienate Haly. Of course, if we can't find a way to get him out of the void, then it doesn't matter either way."
  10. Wynn noticed Haly's dissapointment. Not worth losing a friend over... She patted Haly to the back. "Let's not get sour about this. I'll stick to yellow roses until after you make your move. After that, we'll see..."
  11. "So you're evil? You don't seem very evil. And like, how do you work? Why do you function? What is your power source?"
  12. Wynn sat down abruptly. "Ow. Yes. Hi." She took a second to get her bearings. "There's some stuff I've been wanting to ask you. How and why do you exist?"
  13. "May the best person win, then." Wynn looked up. "Nameless! Can we do the thing now?"
  14. (filler about how we have to wait for Nameless to plan stuff or something) Wynn stood next to her. "So, what's the deal with you and TAAron?" Wynn asked Haly. "You seem to really care about him. Were you guys like... a couple or something before he lost his memory?
  15. (Yeah, this is a double post. Sue me ) This is a song I wrote a while ago, but I enjoy playing it, and the competition judge said he liked it. (Yes, still robot recording ) The top line could be any higher-voice instrument, but it just sounded best on piano for the recording. Music Score Recording
  16. Wynn scratched her head. "I mean, I can with my cards and duel disk. Without the disk, I'm limited to psychic shadow games, and I have nothing without my cards." "Now, we need to go help TAAron." @Ookla the Untitled
  17. Profile picture change!

    What do you guys think?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Potato's Wit

      Potato's Wit

      For a second I thought it was a winged Terrier. The heart was the nose. Yea, really weird.

    3. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      I've grown to appreciate this pfp even more

      The different wings are really cool

    4. Ranryu


      Thanks! Credit goes to whoever drew it!

  18. "Yay!" Wynn smiled at her friend. "Haly, did I ever tell you how cool your powers are? You can just... make stuff appear and disappear! Without my cards, I literally would be powerless, but you can Find and Lose things without any materials or preparation. Also, your marshmallows are delicious!"
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