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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. "Sure. But if we're gonna kill it, you probably shouldn't get too attached. Also, keep it away from scissors." The mouse sat contentedly, taking in its surroundings with the apathy of a stuffed animal. Occasionally, it nibbled on its donut.
  2. "Okay." "I summon Fluffal Mouse!" Wynn said in a dramatic tone, placing a card on her duel disk's board. A fat teal mouse the size of a tennis ball appeared. It was holding a tiny donut.
  3. Wynn noticed this slight blush and filed it away for future reference. Ruining what seemed like an amazing budding friendship over a boy was not optimal. "Um... I can summon some rodents. If you'd like."
  4. "Huh. He kind of gives me Chosen One vibes. Mythical injury, magic talking weapon, connection to dead card spirits. Plus he totally has that kind of face."
  5. Wynn scratched her head. "But why do you need a talking weapon? I don't understand."
  6. Everybody peer pressure the Cellist into getting his learner's permit. He's been old enough for a while now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      Cellist get your learner's permit

      It's worth it

      I was reluctant too

      But driving is soooooo nice

    3. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Yes, get it!

      You will need to learn to drive sometime.

      The earlier you get it the more time you have to practice.

      Especially practice parking, that's hard to do, until you have practice.

    4. That1Cellist


      I plan on it, eventually. 

      Thanks for the encouragement!

  7. "Haly, what're you staring at? Is it a card spirit? Those things are fun." Wynn shooed away the card spirits (which no one else could see). "Well, fun until they get annoyingly over-protective." She amended. "Kind of like that Mell lady, I'd bet."
  8. Have you ever been backing out of a parking spot, but then you forget to switch into drive before you accelerate? I did that multiple times today. Just about gave my mother a heart attack.

    1. Kajsa


      I've never driven before, but that sounds like something out of a movie! Haha.

    2. Morningtide


      I did that just the other day! 

    3. The Halcyon Girl

      The Halcyon Girl

      Not yet, but I have attempted to park between two lines and failed miserably. I think my dad still has the video.

  9. My youngest brother is the type who you don't realize he's there until you hear the crash of a painting falling off the wall. My second youngest brother, however... He only has two volumes. Asleep and yelling.
  10. And his horribly mutated genetic experiments, which he called ELFS. That's right, kids. Santa's not as nice as you thought he was.
  11. "Woah. That's cool. I don't think anyone's ever talked to me with their mind before." Wynn frowned. "Or maybe they have. Who knows?"
  12. Dragon marshmallows! I must be dreaming! Wynn stuffed her face with the mythical treats. "What's this about a trident?" She asked through a full mouth.
  13. "Who's Nameless?" Wynn asked. "Haly, can I have a marshmallow?"
  14. Wynn nodded. "Gotta watch out for those random guys who trap people in white rooms. They're never good. So how is this tower thingy supposed to fix your soul?"
  15. Wynn winced. "Yikes. I'm glad my amnesia didn't come with any actual injuries. Those marshmallows probably came from Haly though. She has a thing for them, I've noticed. How did your soul get damaged in the first place?"
  16. "I promise, that card doesn't explode. Some of my other ones maybe, but Ranryu is a storm dragon. It controls wind and stuff." Wynn turned to TAAron. "So what needs doing?"
  17. "A duel monsters card. I put it into my duel disk like this," She put the card into a slot on the disk. "and the ARC system turns it into a hologram." The end of the duel disk shimmered for a second, then a small dragon appeared, golden-green scales glittering as it wrapped around Wynn's shoulders. "I added some mods and magic to my disk, so to holograms literally come to life."
  18. Wynn flinched at Mell and held her hands up, shiny purple duel disk sensing her increased heart rate. "Woah. Knife.... um... I'm Wynn. Haly and I were stuck in this weird dimension, but we found a signal that brought us here." The Ranryu card vibrated in her hand. "I think this is for you?" Wynn held it out to TAAron.
  19. The Ranryu card glowed brightly at that. Wynn shook it, wondering if her ARC system was malfunctioning. "Hmm... Who's TAAron?"
  20. Wynn shook her head sharply. "I'm sure I'll find whoever it is eventually. Now what are we doing here? It seems like my disk tossed us in the middle of something."
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