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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. Wynn clicked open the box. A card was glowing brightly. The image depicted a green and gold dragon, poised to strike. Ranryu. But why is it glowing? As Wynn examined the card, its glow faded. "Hmmm. I think I need to give this to somebody... but I'm not sure who."
  2. Wynn's duel disk teleports the pair to this dimension, ending the Propendity Proposal. Wynn blinked in confusion. "I... I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm happy to do whatever you need!"
  3. The butt is glowing. Explode the butt- @The Wandering Wizard Mmmm. Slime - @Ookla the Perpetual So who’s gonna have an alien burst out of their chest first? - @The Wandering Wizard
  4. He would. But he would be King of a Pit of Dead Owens. You really want sovereignty over that?
  5. All I do all day is think of these things. We would also cut the owens knees off and replace them with hover platforms so they can kneel in the air (but they can't fly because then they could escape). They would be armed with pool noodles that travel at the speed of light. We would just throw all the owens in a pit and watch what happens. If they're wise, they will form teams and eventually attempt to escape the pit. If they are not wise, they will kill each other and the last owen standing will declare himself king.
  6. I envy people who have broken feet. They get to zooom around on scooters, and EVERYONE MUST YIELD TO THEM!! Imagine if we had all the male sharders stand in a line, and then the brakes on the scooter "stopped working" just as we were driving it towards them. Destruction! Chaos! Getting to say the word zooom a lot! We (girls) would finally win this war! (The other option is an underground owen fighting ring, because there are so many people named owen; odds are we have a few on the shard)
  7. Hint: the key is somewhere on my profile. 


    If you can solve this, I will forever regard you as a person with excellent cipher solving skills. :D If anyone notices that I made a mistake, please correct me.

    Aij yoriy bwg lralmd faup, hoi fehu

    ivy k hdal qwqmlxlt yq knjw.

  8. Sometimes I randomly look over @Ookla the Forgettable's shoulder and say things, and then she types them. (Why was I thinking about cranberries?) Can I have a throne? Made from various abstract nouns?
  9. The Belowplace "Okay." Wynn dismissed marshmallon, unflinching as it dissipated into golden pixels. "Now, to choose. Should we take signal 2980935e495, or signal 2485739µ987? My duel disk says they're both capable of sustaining life, but it can't access any other data."
  10. The Belowplace (not falling?) "Great! It looks like we only have two signals, but neither of them are saved on the disk, so I don't know where they'd take us."
  11. "Friends come and go, but death is a constant." - yours truly "NOW LETS GO CARRY OUT OUR PLANS TO POLLUTE THE WORLD!" - @The Halcyon Girl
  12. The Belowplace (falling from a giant tree) Wynn did not like falling on Marshmallon/marshmallows. At least she wasn't dead. Her duel disk beeped cheerily. "Hey look! I have connection down here! You wanna do a little interdimensional sightseeing, Haly?" @The Halcyon Girl
  13. "That's weird. Usually I notice when I become {@The last Fae in the Woods}." - @That1Cellist
  14. For some reason I picture @Thaidakar the Ghostblood as this one kid I go to school with who has curly brown hair and a mischievous expression.
  15. I know this is my second SU in as many hours, but...

    Look guys.

    rapper grandpa flying a jet

    Rapper Grandpa is flying a jet. :lol: I love A.I art.

    1. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      That's pretty good art!

      What A.I. did you use?


      Or another one?

    2. Ranryu


      Yeah, NightCafe. I had to try like five times to get this one, though. The others were less concrete.

    3. Kajsa


      NightCafe is great

  16. Nice! I swear not to spoil the ending, but you gotta tell us what you think of it when you're finished!
  17. Today was stake conference.

    I'm not gonna say it was a disaster, but my seven year old brother was climbing on the stacked chairs in the gym, my five year old brother had to wait in the car, and my three year old brother was running around the halls barefoot. And my sisters were comparing finger flexibility. 

    As I said, it wasn't quite a disaster, but, as my mother said, it was "completely unacceptable". My family's antics are the highlight of every church meeting, I think. :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      During my stake conference, i snuck into the seminary room and stole snacks :ph34r:

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      that sounds like a normal stake conference tbh.

    4. Kajsa


      This sounds exactly like my family. xD

  18. The Belowplace (falling?) Wynn still didn't understand that Haly's power was to summon marshmallows. "I summon Marshmallon!" She yelled, sliding the card into her duel disk with great effort.
  19. The Belowplace (giant tree) Wynn still had absolutely no idea what was going on, but she was grateful to discover two things. she could swim Her duel disk and deck box were waterproof Wait. She definitely couldn't fly. This could be a problem.
  20. Look! I just inherited a briefcase full of negative 12 dollar bills! Well, there goes my dream of being a surgery room tap dancer.
  21. The Belowplace (giant tree) Wynn continued to spout technical jargon, not caring if Haly was paying attention or not. Then she paused. "Cool. I guess I know more stuff than I thought I did. It's hard to tell, with amnesia and all."
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