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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. The Belowplace (giant tree) "Hmm." Wynn fiddled with her duel disk. "Something's jamming my feeds. My disk isn't connecting with the network for some reason, so I can't make full-power holograms. I guess I'll have to go from here using self-generated energy."
  2. The Belowplace (giant tree) "I only gave it a slight fortification, so if it's exposed to powerful magic, it will probably unravel." Wynn frowned. "How do I know that? I'm a duelist, not a magician."
  3. The Belowplace (giant tree) "I summon Double Edged Sword!" Wynn said in an anime-like voice. Her duel disk glowed, and a cartoonishly large sword appeared in her hand. She handed the weapon to Haly. "It's not as heavy as it looks. Enjoy."
  4. The Belowplace (giant tree) "Sure! Do you want a magic one, a generic one, or a haunted one?" Wynn prepped her duel disk for a long term projection. An extra dose of energy in case Haly's powers messed with the hologram.
  5. Welcome! Bookwyrm basically summed up what I wanted to say. We're crazy, and it's fun.
  6. The Belowplace (giant tree) "I mean, that's pretty cool. I can't make marshmallows. I think I have some weapons in my deck though." Wynn unclipped a small box from her belt. She clicked the lip open and began searching her deck. "Let's see... I have some swordsouls, swords of revealing light, a Forbidden Lance, assorted magic wands and spellbooks, and a Black Luster Sword. You want any of those things, or were you just joking about the swords?"
  7. The Belowplace (giant tree) Wynn fidgeted nervously. "Honestly, I'm really confused. The first thing I remember is walking into the clinic to duel Emma, and then there was this giant dueling cat, and then somehow I appeared here. Would you happen to know how I got in this giant tree?"
  8. Wynn opened her eyes and observed her surroundings in confusion. "The Belowplace? What's that? And who are you?"
  9. Wynn was very confused. She couldn't see anyhting, probably because her eyes were closed. How did I get here? She wondered. Where is here?
  10. "I'm tired of killing {@That1Cellist}. Let's kill {@The last Fae in the Woods} instead!" - me, with the sentiment echoed by at least three other people.
  11. Guys.

    I think I found a new favorite series. It's called Chronicle of the Dark Star, and it's one of the best sci-fi series I've ever read. The entire thing is masterfully written, and the author managed to incorporate the complexities of time travel without being too confusing. This is the first time a book ending has made me cry in like, five years.

    I can't fully describe how great the trilogy is! 10/10. If you haven't read it, you're missing out.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kajsa


      I'll have to check that out! I have a very long list of books to read, but what are three more?

    3. Ranryu


      Just a note, it is fairly classified as Juvenile fiction, so don't be expecting any super realistic fight scenes or epic romances.

    4. Kajsa


      Alright. Point taken! Thanks!

  12. "Scold scold. Scald." - @That1Cellist "Mountain Dew is made from the souls of the green people." - @That1Cellist
  13. Why? My youngest brother calls smoothies "smoo-vil-ees", and the other day he told me that my body was made of flesh. He's three. I don't know whether to be proud of his big vocabulary or be alarmed that he knows what the word flesh means. This is the kid that refuses to wear anything but a diaper and cries when his toys don't break the laws of physics the way he wants them to. He's also my only sibling so far that can have a conversation while throwing a tantrum.
  14. My username is a yugioh card. I wanted to see how many people would get it, but no one did. (I guess I kinda picked a random card) I'm pretty sure it means "storm dragon" in Japanese, but I didn't know that until after I made my account. My old pfp was actually the card illustration, but I changed it because the pic was so small you couldn't really tell it was a dragon. I almost did Ruby, which is a part of my author name, but that sounds too much like an actual person name, so I went with an obscure card game reference.
  15. Do any of you have siblings that intentionally try to creep out your friends? Potato does that, and some of my friends are scared of her now.
  16. I've actually never played Hollow Knight, but I'm gonna go listen to Dirtmouth right now. Thank you! The song will sound different (hopefully a lot better) when I actually perform it, but I would appreciate any kind of feedback that I could use to improve it.
  17. Thank you! It's called flat. My school system pays for it, so I use it more than programs like musescore or noteflight.
  18. I write music as a hobby, sort of. At random times, a melody will just pop into my head. On the occasions that I write it down, I typically end up with something I'm proud of, but too shy to share. My piano teacher told me I should enter some of my songs in a composing competition, so I would really appreciate feedback. I put the score and the audio for convenience. I lack a mic that can record myself properly, so the audio is the notation program's robot piano. It... doesn't always have the best sound. The main problem is that the robot can't gradually change speed or phrase measures how I intend them to be phrased. The score itself is also a little wonky, but still readable. For this song, I have a rather important question. The melody sounds familiar, and I'm wondering if I subconsciously plagiarized. If anyone recognizes the main melody from somewhere else, can they tell me? I hope it's not too terrible! Music Score Robot Recording
  19. Oh my gosh that is amazing!!! Genius. I was gonna try and give feedback, but all I can think to say is that Cosmere + cats is FREAKIN' AWESOME
  20. Do cats all speak the same language, or do they speak different languages based on where they live or what breed of cat they are?
  21. Would you like to be tied to the blade of a wind turbine for a few hours? Eh. I like his old hair better.
  22. Well, you have to supervise younger siblings at all times, or else they will destroy things and/or hurt themselves. With older siblings, you can just shut them in a closet with snacks and they'll be fine (I've definitely never done that ) Plus, older siblings don't have as high pitched voices, so it's less annoying when they scream.
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