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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. False humility plus a mistborn reference. 9/10.
  2. Noot didn't care. Unless... Was the UBPA hiding cookies from him? He found his way back in.
  3. That's always fun. It takes FOREVER to wash off. TPBM has slammed their mother's hand in a door before.
  4. "It won't cut me." *cuts himself on a magnetic chessboard* - @That1Cellist
  5. I do, but I could've answered no if you'd caught me earlier in the year. NHIE watched Stranger Things. (Is it good? I've heard a lot about it.)
  6. I have no idea what the heck that is, so 10i/7
  7. But how much less bad? A lot less, or barely noticeably less? 9/10 (My sentences are not required to make sense on fast Sunday)
  8. Nope! Cranberry sauce is used as fake blood substitute in my house. (Some of my siblings have very... abstract ideas of what blood is supposed to look like) TPBM cannot roll their R's.
  9. You sinisterly buy a loaf of bread from Super Saver.
  10. "And now, a word from our sponsor, the smartest person in the world!" But the triangle shark didn't know, so he showed up to the party wearing a sombrero and overalls.
  11. For my final class of the day, our teacher is a no-show and the sub has no idea what she's doing, so we get a free period! 

    Sea lions and seals on Twitter: "A cute baby sea lion to cheer up your tl!  https://t.co/b8JNQCn6d7" / Twitter

    (Because sometimes you start doing math homework and end up researching sea lions ;))

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. That1Cellist
    3. Potato's Wit

      Potato's Wit

      Yes, sometimes you do. *Also wink*

    4. Kajsa


      That sounds fun. I get a free period instead of PE every A-day because I basically broke my ankle. Hehehe.

  12. Greetings, fellow flute-player! :D

    1. Telrao


      Greetings, fellow cat-lover!

  13. Wynn smiled. "Where'd you come from, anyway. And where are we?" She fiddled with her watch for a second, but it couldn't give her the information she needed. She gave up and slapped the device in annoyance.
  14. "Cat snuggles. I love cat snuggles!" She took a deep breath. "NOW CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT THE SCUD IS GOING ON?? I CAME TO DUEL, BUT MY RUNNER DISAPPEARED, THERE'S A SENTIENT POTATO OVER THERE, AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHO I AM OR WHERE I CAME FROM!" Wynn stroked the cats' heads. "Okay, I'm done. Yelling is only fun in small amounts."
  15. "Ow! Be careful! We're not all near-indestructible beings of magic, you know." She scratched her head. "Sorry about that duel. I don't know where my runner went. Wait. IS THAT A KITTY??!"
  16. Wynn couldn't decide if she liked riding on the tiger or not. Let's see how this plays out.
  17. How about just writing and not calling it NaNoWriMo because being stubborn is fun? TPBM thinks they could take at least five kindergartners in a fight to the death.
  18. Wynn's duel runner made a pinging noise. "Hmm. I wonder what that means." The bike began glowing, then disappeared in a flash of light.
  19. Umm... I thought this was the NHIE thread. But yes, I am. NHIE tasted soda or any kind of soft drink.
  20. No, no! Of course not! I actually have no knowledge of how he fell under the hat god's power. You'd have to ask him. Also, it's the oldest girl child, not the second child. Unless there are no girls, and then the second child is the default soul-owner. (Sorry, Potato. I own your soul, not vice versa.)
  21. The Cellist’s soul is currently owned by the Communist hat god, as far as i know
  22. Hmmm... @The Halcyon Girl inspired me to change my profile picture. I kind of look like that. Less now than I did a few years ago.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Halcyon Girl

      The Halcyon Girl


    3. Ranryu


      The dragon was a red shirt from the beginning. If you want to see her again, pay close attention to what wizard and I are doing in the insanity clinic.

    4. The Halcyon Girl

      The Halcyon Girl

      Apciejebgockwndj bc ckrmsbxiwid 

      Fine it’s worth it :) 

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