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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. Dang it. Good thing I have another option. "I use Ranryu's special ability, which lets me summon it to the field. Then I link Ranryu and Hiita to summon Wynn the Wind Charmer, Verdant. I place one face-down and end my turn." Interesting. Why do I have a card of myself in this deck?
  2. "Um... okay. What are you destroying? My Charmer blast is already in the GY."
  3. "This allows me to use my speed spell, Charmer Blast. Because you summoned a level five or above monster, and because I have three speed counters, I can flip summon one monster from my deck. I choose Lyna the Light Charmer. I now control your Blue Eyes." Wynn grinned mischievously. He's good, but his deck is easy to beat if you know the trick.
  4. Wynn smiled. This tiger clearly knows how to play. Unfortunately for him, that little dragon is a fire attribute. "I flip summon Hiita the Fire Charmer from my hand! Hiita's ability allows me to take control of your cute little dragon." She smiled as the dragon migrated over to her duel runner. "Now I use these two monsters to link summon. Come forth, Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze! And even though that dragon went to your GY, I get it back on my field due to Hiita's ability.
  5. Wynn summoned a cute brown bat-puffball thing. "Nefarious Archfiend Eater of Nefariousness, thanks for coming out to play!" She set a few traps and accelerated once again. "Your turn!"
  6. Wynn accelerated to take the fist turn. "What kind of track is this? It's weird."
  7. "Ha! I haven't lost a turbo duel yet... I think. Maybe. I doubt I've ever dueled a giant cat before." She pressed a button on her watch, and a sleek blue duel runner rolled onto the arena.
  8. "That's cool. I wish I had a cool-sounding title. You wanna to a turbo duel? I bet you could run as fast as my duel runner."
  9. Does it count if it was on purpose? TPBM had a discussion about which type of bread is superior recently.
  10. Kiss viola, marry cello, kill violin. 4/4, 6/8 and 3/4
  11. Wynn could barely contain her excitement. She might not know... um... anything about anything before entering the clinic, but she knew that she was a good duelist. And this tiger seemed like it had some skill. Teleportation was fun! "So, what's you name?" Wynn asked. "I'm Wynn!"
  12. Kiss This, kill this, marry this. Shopping cart, shopping bag, shopping basket.
  13. Nope! Hopefully not very many people have done that. TPBM slept in and was almost late this morning.
  14. Wynn examined the tiger in interest. "You you want to duel, then?"
  15. Wynn blinks in confusion. "I'm not planning on staying. I just want to duel Emma... wait." Wynn realizes that she had no memory of anything before entering the clinic. That seemed... bad. There was nobody around to consult on this strange phenomenon. And she still really wants that duel. Well, I guess I should find one of the patients. I hear they're really interesting.
  16. A fearful teenage girl stumbles into the clinic. She is wearing a gray jumpsuit reminiscent of what a convict would wear, and her short gray hair is a tangled mess. "Hello? Is anyone here? I heard I could find a very good duelist here somewhere." @The Wandering Wizard
  17. Universes swirled around Ranryu and the Rightful One, weaving through them, flooding them with every time and place ever. At first, it was too much for Ranryu to take. After an indefinite amount of time, something inside her snapped, painful yet freeing. Anything she wanted to know was at her fingertips. All her questions, answered in an instant. And one of those answers filled her with rage. "Did you know about this?" Her voice echoed, like water flooding a canyon. No... I. This is an abomination. We are... I do not know what to do. "Luckily for you, I do." Using the threads of universes beyond measure, Ranryu formed a glaive, glowing with infinite possibilities. Wait... No! The Aos Si need us. You can't do this! There has to be another way! "The Aos Si overstated their need for agents in the clinic. After what they did, can you let this stand? If we returned to them, it would go against everything we've become." I suppose you are correct... Make it quick. The Rightful One's tone was reluctant, but she knew Ranryu was right. "To mend what the Aos Si have broken." Ranryu brought the glaive's blade across her forearm, tearing the magic that sustained her. And then she died.
  18. You realize you are allergic to sandwiches and therefore should not, under any circumstances, touch or eat one.
  19. You wonder how this is possible. Ranryu is quite singular.
  20. You... you did this. No, we did this. Your soul was too fractured. I should've just let us fall. Ranryu couldn't hear the Rightful One's worries. The universe- universes, were on fire. Everything flashed before her eyes, too fast to process. People she had never met, places she hadn't even dreamed of. It was like trying to drink from a hurricane. We need to get out of here... the fabric of the universe isn't safe... Ranryu seized up. Now she was looking at the past. She couldn't not see everything, and glimpses of the one thing she actually wanted to know fled from her. "Come back!"
  21. The wings aren't working. I'm going to use your lifeforce to harness whatever dimensional energy remains and take us somewhere else. This might hurt. "OW OW OW OW!" Ranryu needed to have a talk with the Rightful One about understatements. But now wasn't the time. They were flung through dimensions once again. "Okay, for real. Where are we this time?"
  22. Ranryu found herself falling. Oh well. She could just fly. About that... "MY WINGS AREN'T WORKING!!"
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