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Posts posted by Ranryu

  1. Wizard: *visiting the squad* Hello, I just came to-
    Wizard: *sees Ranryu shoving Infiniteinsanity into the washing machine while Bookwyrm records and That1Cellist watches*
    Wizard: *retreating* Something suddenly came up

    Wizard: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me?
    That1Cellist: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re all just imagining it.
    Bookwyrm: Three of us saw it, That1Cellist. How do you explain that?
    That1Cellist: *points at Infiniteinsanity* Sleep deprivation. *points at Bookwyrm* Paranoia. *points at Ranryu* Delusional personality disorder.

    Infiniteinsanity: That1Cellist is a strings kid. We must sacrifice them to the band gods.
    Ranryu: Yes.
    Wizard: You're right. It'd be a good initiation for me.
    That1Cellist: Wait, guys, what about the truce we signed-
    Ranryu: What truce?
    Bookwyrm: *sigh* The truce that we must destroy all the choir kids and leave the strings alone.
    Infiniteinsanity: Wait, I'm a choir kid!
    Everyone else: *prepares for sacrifice

    @The Wandering Wizard @InfiniteInsanity @That1Cellist @The Bookwyrm

  2. 1 hour ago, Tani said:

    But edgedancers can heal people!

    Also, they can still commit arson light fires, they just have to do it the harder way. That makes them better, because they still do it.

    you could join as... a squire... maybe... idk if it works... but who cares...

    Hey Cellist you're a cool person, d'you want to be a Dustbringer squire?

    Yeah @That1Cellist let's make you into a squire. It could be fun! It could be!!

  3. 18 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

    Well I finished this one earlier today and it was a rollercoaster. A good one though and I hope you all enjoy it. :D

    #10 Admit it

      Reveal hidden contents

    The pain is always there, lurking beneath the surface. A shark, ready to consume me the moment I fall beneath the surface. So I swim, struggling stroke to stroke to just stay above the water. I know what happens when you go under. Last time I had a friend who pulled me up, still have the scar to prove it. I can feel the island, still a mile away.

            Is it, is it getting further away? I can't tell anymore. All I know is the swim, backstroke, front stroke. That's all I've ever known. I was never taught the butterfly stroke, nor the weird chicken-airplane-soldier. I've heard of others who know such techniques and they coast by me. Leaving me, struggling to stroke as waves crash over me. Water clogging my lungs. I don't know how long I have left. I just keep stroking to the fading pulse of my heart. Following in the wake of my friend's boat. My vision tunnels to the white wake of crashing waves and my sea spray soaked shirt. The sharks lurk closer as my strokes fade and I question the futility of this exercise. Don't I already know this? Can't I just not suffer anymore? I see my friends stroking beside me, waves far greater than mine breaking over them. The waves are endless, eternal, constantly pushing me towards the bottomless depths, towards the dark. 

           My arms tire and begin to stop stroking, "perhaps, perhaps it is better to just give up and end this infernal quest. I know that I can't make it to the end." I turn my eyes downward, towards the murky depths. Slowly I begin to sink below the waves, when a hand shoots forth and steadies me. I cast my eyes upward to behold my savior standing there. A kindly smile splits his face as he helps me up and gives me a hug.

            "You know who you are, where you came from, why you are here, and where you must go. Let your light shine forth so that others may see."

            I grin, a face cracking smile and respond. "That I can do, I will share your love. I will not let another think they are alone when they are not."

           The vision ends and I start swimming once more. For from that hour, peace bound up my broken heart. The peace in the knowledge that everything would be alright in the end. That I would one day reach the shore, and be greeted by all those who went before.

    @CalanoCorvus @Shining Silhouette @That1Cellist @Ranryu @InfiniteInsanity @Witless of Shinovar

    I feel that one. It’s breathtaking.

    You should try and get something published.

  4. 25 minutes ago, SleepyFool said:


    I am new to cosmere. I have read Mistborn era 1. Alloy of law. First 2 books of Stormlight Archive. 

    Also I am a big fan of One Piece. 

    I would like to make new friends here and discuss cosmere with you all.

    Welcome! Which cosmere character is your favorite so far?

  5. 17 minutes ago, That1Cellist said:

    But control almost never hits…

    Personally, I’ve been using Celes and Sabin to carry my first play through. I’ve beaten all the dragons, upgraded Odin, and am finishing up the cult of Kefka place. (At least for the first clear. I get the feeling I might be able to do it more than once)

    I also let Shadow die on the floating island. I didn’t realize you could save him. Whoops. Downside of playing completely blind, I suppose.

    I’m also irritated that I couldn’t use dragoon boots + berserk to dodge the magic master’s stupid ultima attack he uses before dying. I was proud of that strategy. Oh well, I suppose reraise works too.

    I agree. The story is awesome. Slot is underwhelming in my opinion. I really enjoy the story, but the battle mechanics and sheer amount of gear you can use to change your team is amazing as well.

    I like slot because it's fun, not because it's effective. I just wish Edgar was more useful... I like the idea of his tech, but in execution it was lacking.

    And the music... Need I say more?

  6. On 1/23/2023 at 6:24 PM, ExoticAlmond said:

    Hello to all the Final Fantasy Fans.

    I love final fantasy 6 (that's what this post is about) and would love to hear about your favorite parties as a starter topic but this can evolve from there.

    I'll start. 

    Mog: because Wind Rhapsody is overpowered (I mean wind damage all enemies, thunder or petrification damage one enemy, or free party wide healing is amazing).

    Terra: because she has decent attack and high magic stats.

    Relm: because she has the highest magic stat in the game and her ability sketch can be upgraded to control.

    Shadow: because I needed a melee character and his throw is OP.

    I love ff6 more for the plot than the gameplay, but Setzer's slots are really fun to use, and and I love Locke's steal ability. Honestly, the only parties I don't like are Gogo and the yeti because they can't be directly controlled. 

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