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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. The portal begins to shake, then turns pitch black. Ranryu barely has time to process this occurrence before they are all sucked inside. (Shallan included)
  2. "Uhhhh..." The tree is equipped with an interdimensional portal. Have one of them set coordinates for the tower. "The Rightful One is telling me that this tree can open dimensional portals. Do either of you know how to get to that tower dimension thing?"
  3. The universe's supply of imaginary friends didn't care either way. As long as they could continue their job.
  4. "Hmm... They need to get to their tower, but the portal collapsed. Any way we could help them out?" Not without ripping their molecules to shreds... wait. Try engaging the warp tunnel. The lever by the white button. Ranryu pulled the lever.
  5. The tree shook ominously, a faint beeping noise coming from somewhere inside it. Ranryu pressed a green button on the tree's metal interior. They were slammed to the floor as the platform inside the tree's trunk shot upward.
  6. Shallan's arrival angered the luminite golems even more, causing them to shoot lasers in all directions. Ranryu spotted the newcomer in the distance. "Get to a tree!" She shouted. "Find the door and press the green button!!" Her words were drowned out by the groaning of the golems. Ranryu found the tree's access hatch and dragged Haly inside, narrowly avoiding laser blasts. "Come on, @The Aspiring Archivist!"
  7. They ran to a tree. "Run around it and see if you can find a door or hatch!" The Rightful One shouted in panic as the golems lumbered closer. A laser blast scorched the behemoth tree a few feet above Ranryu's head. She took off around the tree, knocking on it to find the telltale sound of a metal elevator hatch.
  8. "Who are you talking to? Who is he talking to?" I'm not sure... it's not an Aos Si, if that's what you're wondering. I would recognize a fellow Fae. The Rightful One grabbed Haly and TAAron's hands and started running. "Tell me if you see a hatch or opening in any of the trees."
  9. As if to answer his question, a huge mossy metal monster emerged from the ground. Bigger than a school bus, its smooth mossy surface made it look exactly like the surrounding hills. On cue, all of the other hills rumbled to life, revealing themselves to be giant metal boulders with legs. "Luminite golems." The Rightful One said. "The portal's closed. Our only hope is to get into the trees. The golems will shoot us out of the air if we try to fly."
  10. "What kind of self defense system?" Let it suffice to say that we need to leave as soon as possible. Ranryu saw the light. The Rightful One stirred within her. What was that presence? She put a hand to her head, rubbing back a migraine. "Later. The Rightful One is yelling at me. She says we need to leave now or we're all gonna die." As she said this, the portal disappeared.
  11. The confusion intensifies. YoU WiLl Be HiT bY a FaLlInG PiAnO. tHeRe Is No AvOiDiNg It.
  12. The Rightful One's explanation was interrupted by a huge THUMP, and a strange low hum in the air. Oh no. "What was that?" Ranryu sensed something shift in the peaceful landscape, moss becoming more mold-like, trees losing their healthy color. There are intruders in The Mound. Three, I think. This realm's self defense systems are still online... we need to leave.
  13. You take it and give it to Ranryu, then use telekinesis to ward off the pack of rabid dogs.
  14. My people were not without their shortcomings. In the end, I think it was our hubris that destroyed us.
  15. You fall unconscious and dream about the sandwich that is never to be yours.
  16. You watch in horror as Ranryu picks up the sandwich and adds extra pickles to it.
  17. You switch to second person, then give the sandwich to Ranryu.
  18. "Talk to me. Why is your homeworld covered in bones? What happened here?" It's not something we speak of lightly... as you should know. "I should know? What do you mean?"
  19. *Offended that I'm not included in everyone* You see, I am not a person*, and therefore, I am not playing the game. I win. *Ask @That1Cellist for details and verification. See first line for evidence.
  20. So, as soon as I got home from school, I heard a loud crashing noise. I went downstairs and discovered that my five year old brother had knocked over a chair, which fell on top of a glass picture frame. Somehow, my homeschooled sister, who was sitting right next to the mess, didn't notice it. Now the carpet is full of glass that get to vacuum up before my parents come home and find it. Joy.

    1. That1Cellist



      Well, at least it's not too bad. good look on getting that done.

    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Aw man, siblings can be so frustrating <_<

    3. Ranryu


      I love them... but yeah. 

  21. Hi! A little bit late to the party, it seems. I play piano, flute, and a tad bit of saxophone. Technically, I can play guitar and ukulele, but not with any real skill.
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