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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. Ranryu made her way along the mossy green hills, enjoying the silent landscape. She could't help but feel a bit guilty, though. "What about TAAron? We might've been able to help him." His malady is different from yours. Ultimately, he will benefit from this. It's in the clinic's best interest to prevent you from going insane and destroying everything. Besides, I'm confident the others will be able to help him. "Touché. I'll see this through." As Ranryu rounded a bend in her improvised path, some strange mossy lumps on the ground caught her attention. She stopped to examine them. Strange white and tan rocks, mostly covered in the verdant moss. As she looked around, she realized that the hills were littered with these rocks. Realization sent a chill down her spine. Not rocks. Bones. Everywhere.
  2. Hmmm... It seems another has made contact... Do you have the report on the Rightful One? No... it seems she has fled offworld. I do not believe that the two incidents are connected in any way. Perhaps this new one is just a coincidence.
  3. After an unsettling feeling of vertigo, Ranryu emerged from the portal. Bright white light greeted her. Blinking, she stepped onto lush green moss. "Where are we?" A small dimension called The Mound. My homeworld. "I thought the Aos Si lived in a cognitive dimension." Before we died, this was our realm. It is unwelcoming to the undead. The magic that binds you allows us to surpass its power. Now go south. As Ranryu walked, she marveled at the beauty of The Mound. Huge trees towered hundreds of feet above her head, their trunks so far apart it barely felt like a forest. Vivid moss covered every inch of the rolling hills. Despite the abundance of greenery, the only sound was the far-off whispering of giant leaves. There wasn't an animal, insect, or person in sight. "What happened here?"
  4. Ranryu smiled at the happy couple. Suddenly, she looked concerned. "Congratulations! Now excuse me, I really need to go." She hurried back to her room. "I thought you were gone for good." I told you I would return. But there's no time for this. I found a solution... Or a clue to a solution, at least. "What is it?" Ranryu's vision was directed to a huge, swirling tear in the fabric of the clinic's dimensional boundaries. Maybe it was a good thing we never repaired this tear. Come now, we need to leave before someone else discovers this. Ranryu stepped into the portal... and out of the clinic.
  5. Ranryu held up a pair of glowing blue gemstones. "These are the Tide Jewels. One controls the flowing tide, and the other controls the ebbing tide. I don't think the clinic has an ocean, but these will help if you ever stumble across one."
  6. Yup. My siblings go from falling asleep on their feet to crazy, "watch me jump over a pile of my monster trucks and onto my brother" mode. They also like getting our Alexa to play weird music at maximum volume at 11:00 pm.
  7. Ranryu fingered the wedding gifts that sat at the bottom of her pocket. The Tide jewels, the kanju and the manju, glowed faintly with the power of dragons long lost. If nothing else, the gems would make pretty paperweights. As she thought about it, Ranryu realized there wasn't really a nearby ocean for the jewels to influence. Idiot.
  8. Back before he could walk, his (slightly) older brother messed with the roomba and ended up breaking it so it can't actually vacuum anything. To prevent similar things from happening in the future, I may have... told him that the roomba is a monster bent on sucking him up. Two years later, he still believes it. He also is convinced that jumping on the couch is worthy of the death penalty. I'm an excellent big sister.
  9. It sounds like my siblings would get along with your siblings, although it seems like mine are a bit more violent/monster truck obsessed. My brother is deathly afraid of our old broken down roomba, but he insists on turning it on and watching it bang into our furniture.
  10. "Thanks! You do too!" Ranryu checked over her shoulder, then leaned in closer. "Do you have any idea what a bridesmaid is supposed to do? I've never been to a wedding before."
  11. Ranryu sighed and gave up trying to style her hair. Every time she put it up, it would just turn to clouds and drift out. Hopefully it wouldn't disturb the other guests too badly. Her dress was gold and green to match her wings, with the Ehecailacozcatl hanging from a chain around her neck. "Hey, @The Halcyon Girl, @InfiniteInsanity, how do I look?"
  12. "Spiderproofings?" "Yup." "Fireproofings?" "Yup." "Back up marshmallow deleter?" "Yup." "Boy, this bridesmaid thing is fun!"
  13. Would you rather smash your cello or quit cello forever?
  14. I'm so proud of these questions that I'm using them again. Would you be willing to participate in a pool noodle fight to the death and why? How many kindergartners do you think you could take in a fight? Why? Would you enjoy being tied to the blade of a windmill for an hour? Why?
  15. I have a list of good questions... I can't take credit for inventing all of them though. Maybe like the last four. 1. What do you think your pet named you? 2. If you could eat a planet, which one would you consume and why? 3. Have you ever rode a horse into spaghetti? 4. Would you rather push your brand new car off a cliff or work in a ventriloquist dummy factory for ten years? 5. Would you shave your head for $5? 6. If you could forget how to do one thing, what would you forget? 7. Would you rather be shipped to Wisconsin in a FedEx truck or be forced to ride a cow to school every day? 8. Would you be willing to participate in a pool noodle fight to the death and why? 9. How many kindergartners do you think you could take in a fight? Why? 10. Would you enjoy being tied to the blade of a windmill for an hour? Why?
  16. Georgebert grew tired of hearing the mortals squabble and make normal mortal noises, so he wiped them out with a single tentacle and then retreated to his underwater fortress to become a hermit.
  17. The Yuppers, being chased by Bip, run past the confused girl. "Yup! Yup yup!*" one of them shouts. *Please save us! This beast wishes to devour us!
  18. He only required his subjects to sacrifice THREE maidens to him every day, not four like the previous ruler had demanded.
  19. Georgebert ate their bodies, thus growing into the biggest octopus TLT had ever seen.
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