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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. A very tiny octopus named Georgebert became very confused by the quick changes of events.
  2. The Head Zoologist of the Science-y Union of Scientific Things became very interested in this phenomenon.
  3. "Hmmm. It's kinda hard to explain..." She stretched and re-folded her wings as she gathered her thoughts. "The Rightful One is an Aos Sí. I'm not sure exactly what the Aos Sí are, but I know they're undead, benevolent, and they rely on the clinic to survive. Aos Sí aren't allowed in the clinic, but they found a loophole to get in. They gave the Rightful One's body to Grandpa Yupper, and he used it to create me. But I was having trouble with... ghosts. I made a deal with the Rightful One, and apparently it was part of the Aos Sí's plan all along. We share this body... but now she's gone somewhere else. I think she might've broken the contract..." Ranryu looked uncomfortable. She changed the subject. "So, we're going to a tower thingy? And we need stuff? I have a flute." She looked at the aforementioned object with mild confusion. "I have no idea how I got this."
  4. "Huh. Good for them. I hope they remember to fireproof everything. Some sort of disaster is bound to happen."
  5. Ranryu chuckled. "I called you halfade because you're half faded. Half dead, sort of. If you had died properly and then been restored, you might've ended up like me. Bits of a broken soul tethered by magic and wind." There was a faraway look in her eyes. She shook herself back into reality. "Anyway, I don't know anything about living souls, much less how to fix a damaged one. Maybe the Rightful One can help you when she gets back." "Now what's this about wedding invitations?"
  6. Ranryu put a hand on him. She could practically feel the broken bits of soul (metaphorically) grinding and doing things souls generally weren't supposed to do. "Youch. I wouldn't want to be in your place now, halfade. You should probably wake up now."
  7. Ranryu spoke quickly, like her mind was running faster than her mouth could follow. "Ah, don't worry it's fine. They tell me I have a broken soul, or something strange like that. To be honest, I'm a little confused right now, but I remember that you were unconscious earlier, and something still seems injured with you. What do you need me to help with?" Without waiting for an answer, she turned around and absently drew her luminite sword. "Are there any spiders here, by chance?"
  8. "Sure. I have a flute, a sword, and a thinfire lighter. As long as I don't have to fight any more of those scudding spiders."
  9. The Yuppers fled in terror when they say Bip. They had never seen a creature such as him before. Ranryu was there. Holding a flute. What? Where... where was she? Like a punch to the stomach, the Rightful One left her. I will be back when I can. Try not to allow anyone else into your soul. Didn't that... didn't that void the contract? What did it matter? Ranryu was there. Holding a flute. "You guys need some help? What are you even doing?"
  10. Her state is rapidly deteriorating. How do we stop it? The Rightful One's tone was as neutral and cold as ever, but Ranryu vaguely detected a trace of concern. Or maybe she was imagining it. Nothing had been making sense, recently. How long had it been? She couldn't remember. Time was hard to measure when you were insane and trapped in your own body. The healer was beyond trying to convince the Rightful One to find another body. The only way to fix gaps in a broken soul is with pieces of another broken soul. How would we find such a thing? I suggest searching a graveyard. The dead tend to... go to pieces if not properly put to rest.
  11. The communist hat is a hat with a little mafia logo and a frog pin. Everyone steals it from its owner. Please, tell everyone you possibly can about it so it can rule the world more effectively!
  12. Who hath called upon the Almighty Hat God of communism?
  13. Noot wanted cookies. Was this Flesk thing trying to prevent Noot from getting them? I just got quadruple ninjad
  14. "An Aos Si, a race of beings that inhabit a realm very close to the Clinic. A full Aos Si is forbidden to enter the Clinic, so my people found a loophole. Body and soul entered separately, then rejoined. My people found it valuable to keep an eye on you unstable beings. We depend on you to survive. "It makes perfect sense. Ranryu's soul is made of magic; Storms, ideas, and tiny bits of a long-dead soul bind her together. The one who made her was inexperienced, and he accidentally left gaps and delicate patches in her soul."
  15. "She refused my protection, unwittingly allowing... unsavory forces into her mind." The Rightful One turned to Isadore. "Calm yourself. I meant no harm, and I see that you 'dream realm' is beyond my reach." "More like one and a half souled. This body was mine one, but I died. Ranryu was created using it, but the base soul used to forge her own was unstable. She's incomplete."
  16. Ranryu blinked out of existence for a few seconds, then reappeared. "Sorry. Ranryu is currently at the healers. I promised her that I would stay here until TAAron is recovered." "I am the Rightful One. My history with Ranryu is complicated, but let it suffice to say that we share a body. By nature, her soul is easily injured, and she is paying the price for her careless actions." The Rightful One knelt next to TAAron. "Would it be possible for me to enter this strange dream realm?"
  17. See? The damage is so extensive others can sense it. We need to go back to the healer. Now. "But I want to make sure TAAron is okay..." How about this: If you let me take you to the healer, then I will come back with the body and ensure TAAron's safety. "I guess..." The Rightful One addressed Nameless and Haly. "I will return shortly."
  18. "Nayo..." You don't even know how you got here. Let me drive. We need to take you back to the healer. "At least let's stay and make sure TAAron is alright. He seems nice." I'm only agreeing to this because I do not wish to fight you. "Injured? How? I just came back from an Aos Si healer." Her left arm spasmed out as she said this. She grabbed it and pinned it to her side.
  19. Welcome to the shard! It took you long enough .
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