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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. Ranryu's focus shifted again, silently struggling with the well-meaning Rightful One and her own injuries. The strange "dreamspace" caught her attention. She could feel things happening in it, but it was beyond her reach. "No spiders... I could've sworn..." she refocused herself. "What happened to TAAron? And what is this place?"
  2. Where are we? How did you get us here? "I just... followed the trail. Doors and breadcrumbs." Please, I don't want to strain your soul more by fighting you, but you need to let me drive.
  3. Sorry, but there's no way your siblings are crazier than mine. Have you ever had a four year old lecture you on how it's not nice to murder people for leaving chicken nuggets in the back seat of the car? Strange things siblings do are a valued subject!
  4. Ranryu shivered. "Why is it so cold in here?" Come on now, I should be driving. You're sick. "No. I... I need do help. Somehow." She turned to Haly. "This is your place, right? Got any giant spiders?"
  5. Just a general question. I'm trying to discern how much more destructive my siblings are compared to average siblings. Would you rent your younger siblings out as a small army if presented with the option? Would they enjoy that?
  6. Ranryu walked behind Haly and Nameless. She looked bedraggled, her face smudged with dirt and some strange orange substance. "You... have you seen any spiders?" She stumbled, but caught herself. "We need... we need spiders. To make thread." @The Halcyon Girl @Nameless
  7. Thread. Into the seam, out of the seam. One stitch on top of another. It was like a snake, weaving through the fabric of reality. Too bad Ranryu wasn't the one doing the sewing. "Why can't I drive?" You're unstable. Until we find a way to fix your soul, it's safer for me to control the body. "Then what am I supposed to do? This wasn't part of the deal." Your safety is more important than the contract. Try astrally projecting yourself somewhere.
  8. If you can divide time into any increment, no matter how small, then does time matter at all? Is there a space between moments where the rules we live by break down, just like the laws of physics break down when you get to subatomic particles? Why does every thread I post on eventually turn crazy? Or do I only post on crazy threads? Hmmm...
  9. "This might sting a little." The healer said through a telepathic connection. "Why would it sting? I'm not even in my body- OW ow ow ow!" Pain racked Ranryu's mind like a freezer burn. She mentally whimpered. The Aos Si healer addressed the Rightful One. "Well, the craftsmanship is amateur. Well made, but amateur. It looks like the inner soul wasn't sealed up tight enough, so exposure to all those souls damaged it." Is there a way to fix it? "I'll need to run some more tests before I can be sure, but the damage seems irreversible. The host soul is missing some of its keystone elements. If the damage gets any worse, it could affect you, and therefore our mission. I recommend finding another host." Ranryu mentally stiffened at this. "What do you mean my soul is missing some of its keystone elements? And finding another host? I thought we had a deal! We do. The Rightful One said austerely. I hold a certain... attachment to this body. Restoring the dragon's soul to full health is non-negotiable. "Very well. Now, this next test might be a little bit more painful..."
  11. The wind chimes did not cooperate with the teleportation. Blast. We'll have to come back another time when things have calmed down.
  12. The Rightful One shifts back into a human and pulls out her luminite sword, raising it over Karden's neck. "Wait, we can't kill him!" He is a threat. "How do we know that for sure? Besides, kitty is here now. Shouldn't we go hide or something?" Hmmm. We'll take the wind chimes with us. We need her. And then all three of them are gone.
  13. I will now invite a pack of laser puppies into the fray. Every civil war needs laser puppies.
  14. The Rightful One grabbed Haly's hand and forced her magic to activate. Wind chime. Now. The power expenditure caused Ranryu to shift into full dragon form. "This is new." She said, admiring her gold and green scales. "Now wake up, cousin dragon."
  15. Ranryu slapped Haly. Fool. That won't work. We need precision to fix this.
  16. With a flap of her wings, the Rightful One grabbed Haly and launched to the top of a bookshelf. WAKE UP! WE NEED YOU.
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