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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. Ranryu returns and casts an ice mirror spell. Everything goes cold and still, people blinking in confusion.
  2. 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679926535897932384926535897932384926535897932384926535897932384923078164062862089986280348 QUAKE WITH FEAR
  3. I call the other boys on this thread to get offended by this and defeat themselves.
  4. IRRATIONAL NUMBER ATTACK 0.326923076929785698376519756134875691387465418365913784561938769876548791874658767676777777777197456138475631987456987164598431746837569834756763549146584576014048965019834650374847680134576430163408716438561384051734658307136458701 TASTE DEFEAT
  5. "What have you done to my little cousin?" Ranryu returned, eyes sparking. The Rightful One tensed, then grabbed Haly and dissipated into clouds. This smells wrong. Like rot...
  6. Why have I been summoned? OOOH. Are we doing a hostile takeover of the boys' thread?
  7. The Rightful One responded, Ranryu being in no state for conversation. "You are intruding. Why?" Her wings flared out threateningly.
  8. Hmmm... This Karden could prove to be a great stumbling block to our plans. We will need to keep an eye on him. Ranryu wasn't listening. Her eyes swept back forth from shelf to shelf. "I burned this library once. Look at it now. All that fire- useless." Focus, dragon. We're here for the thread. Let me drive. Ranryu gave in, but she couldn't shake the image of fire, glorious burning paper and binding! So much fire... Something's wrong with you, I can feel it. "So?"
  9. The sword flew through the cramped tunnels, cleaving the rotlings heads from their bodies. "Ugh! Their blood is all moldy. I wish we could just use a spell to do this. Using those cards of yours would be a supremely foolish act. The only thing that can exterminate these pests is luminite steel. "Lucky you had some on hand." Indeed. Now, where is that thread?
  10. This task requires more than one body. "Clearly. Should we ask someone for help?" Only if you know of someone trustworthy and suitable for the job. A dragon, preferably. "A dragon? How about @The Halcyon Girl?" We will find her, and I will decide if she suffices.
  11. Careful now. "You're the one doing this. Why are you telling me to be careful?" Because if you move the body even the tiniest inch in the wrong direction, we'll both be blown to smithereens. "Good to know." She made special effort to let the Rightful One do her work. The golden thread weaved in and out of the fabric of reality, and as it did, the scent of rot receded. "Is the problem fixed?" No, not nearly. There are holes like this everywhere, with more appearing each day. If we are to bind it all, we'll need allies and thread. A lot of thread.
  12. I was reading the news about some recent winners of the Nobel prize, when this paragraph came up.

    "According to quantum mechanics, particles can exist simultaneously in two or more places. They do not take on formal properties until they are measured or observed in some way. By taking measurements of one particle, like its position or “spin,” a change is observed in its partner, no matter how far away it has traveled from its pair." -- The New York Times

    Someone has probably mentioned this before, but doesn't that sound like spren?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ranryu


      That would be so cool! Care to develop that theory any further?

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I'll probably make a thread about it at some point....but I need to think about it a little more.

    4. The Wandering Wizard
  13. The Aos si's energy source felt so good. Ranryu had never experienced something so relaxing, yet invigorating. After an undefined span of time, she felt the stream of light slow to a trickle, and then she was alone in a dark place. Well, not alone... technically. Now wasn't that nice? I hope you're rested. "That was amazing." Ranryu felt more substantial- that terrible feeling of fading away was almost completely gone. "Can I do it again?" Perhaps later. We need to be on watch, as I have a feeling a fight is going to break out soon. We can't afford to lose anyone so close to the beginning of the war. ... Grandpa Yupper was perplexed. Just two hours previously, he had put down some nice, fresh wooden floorboards in this little room on the second floor. Now those boards were rotting away, practically disintegrating into nothing. That entire wing of the clinic smelled off. Like rot and destruction. Beware the unbinding and the rot it brings...
  14. "Yup.*"* Do not underestimate the Aos sí, although I do not think they intend harm. I sense Ranryu knows I have been searching for her, and has chosen to conceal herself.
  15. "Yup yup.*" *They would be the sìth, or the people of the mound. If you do not know of them, there is little I can tell, for I know almost nothing of them myself. Their realm is very close to this one, and they have an interest in protecting us, for some reason. They make many bargains and cannot lie, and this pocket dimension prevents them from physically entering. They have a great magic, but I know not of what kind.
  16. "...yup.*" I created Ranryu to free our kind. When this pocket dimension was created, our kind was displaced from our rightful homes and locked in the basement caves for eternity. Part of the bargain I made with the ones who gave me the creation spell was to allow them to choose the body which I used to animate her. I fear they chose one of their own deceased, giving the soul of that body an intimate connection with Ranryu's soul. If she has made a bargain with the Aos sí, there is nothing I can do to stop her. I have been searching for her for quite some time. I doubt she had ill intent when brewing that potion. My granddaughter is many things, but evil is not one of them.
  17. Grandpa Yupper notices the tiger. "Yup?*" *Why do you come, soul-tiger?
  18. "You sure nobody can find us here?" Yes. Even if someone managed to trespass, I would be able to hold them off until you were capable. "It feels strange, leaving myself vulnerable like this." Just relax and let the energy soak in. We need this body to be at maximum working capacity.
  19. "Yup yupyupyupyupyup. YUP. Yup yup up up yup....*" *You speak Yupper? Excellent! Grandpa was walking around trying to figure out how to fix the holes in the building when he had a bad feeling that baby dragon child was making trouble so he ran all the way across the clinic and now he's missing. Do you like fish? I like fish. The other day, I was cleaning the white water chairs when a fish popped out of one and... (The Yupper continues rambling on with no regard for his uninterested audience)
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