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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. Ranryu's body laughed, though the mirth did not completely belong to her. "Our poor lost kitty thinks Grandpa made the potion!" The Rightful One laughed with her. Of course he does. These beings know not with whom they deal. Just as your dear Grandpa bargained your body from our rest, unknowing of the promises being made, so will these- dealing unknowingly. "Should I stop him?" No, let them be for the moment. If they are to be allies, then they must become such on their own. Besides, our form requires recharging if we are to keep the contract alive.
  2. Ah. Someone's finally figured us out, I see. Worry not, our spell is a boon that will protect you from the coming danger. Consider it a gift from the Aos sí. Come Ranryu, let us take our leave now. And with that, Ranryu's presence winked out of existence.
  3. "It worked." You sound surprised. "Well, it's not like I have any experience in potion brewing or mental invasion of privacy." Lucky for you I do. Do you still feel bad? "No, I see why it was necessary. I thought for sure they had us figured out for a minute though." They never do. I doubt they even noticed the spell at all. It's better that way. They'll stay safer. "What's next?" The next clause of the contract, I would suppose. We have work to do before we rest.
  4. And these delusions gave him power, for he had no idea that he was actually stealing Nameless's shoes.
  5. The Narrationblade gained sentience and named itself Goomba the Emperor of the Universe.
  6. Grandpa Yupper was having some trouble. He had been hired to repair the insanity clinic (he assumed- his only translator had run off somewhere), but the insanity clinic didn't seem to want to be fixed. Things kept mysteriously breaking in the night, cold drafts came from nowhere, and there was a constant smell of books and dark magic. Grandpa Yupper couldn't fathom some of the technology these beings used, such as the metal boxes of cold and the white chairs with water inside. Now, where had Ranryu run off to? The young dragon was prone to trouble, and Grandpa Yupper had a bad feeling that she was getting mixed up with the dangerous magics of the other clinic patients. Or worse.
  7. Then a telescope ate him. (The telescope was alive and had a very meaningful and emotional backstory, but no one cares about that)
  8. Zephyr speaks Aestran and Kellan, but cannot read or write in the latter. "What's Javenaire like? My governress skimmed over my geography lessons." She picks a pale blue flower off a plant and begins pulling the petals off one by one.
  9. Elixir of protection: Three cups of dragonsblood tree sap Five golden apples - sliced The chin hair of a qilin Be advised; the elixir will vapoize into mist in the event of extreme magical interaction. The gas is less potent than the liquid, only repeling the more substantial sentient beings.
  10. "There. We spied on them. Are you happy now?" We still have one more thing left to do. The elixir... Ranryu sighed and watched her hands uncork a small vial and pour the contents into Calano and Emma's mouths. Don't feel bad. It's for their own good. "Doing good has never felt so evil." Ranryu muttered before turning into clouds and flitting away.
  11. What language would upper-class skyfolk most likely speak? While we're at it, do they have any funny slang or swear words that Zephyr can use?
  12. The realm was occupied by Baby groots. It was located off the coast of Portugul. I say was, because...
  13. Noot made pineapple cookies. They were disapointing, so he trapped the Cellist in a narrator-proof cage with them for seven years.
  14. "I don't like this. It's an invasion of privacy." Luckily you aren't the one driving the body. The contract must be fulfilled! "I know already! Stop repeating yourself. It just feels like... this should be their time. I shouldn't be here." Well it's not up to either of us. The pair looked, and saw into Calano's mindspace.
  15. And Noot didn't care that Eof didn't care because ultimate power was unapealing. The Goldfish shard was a wise shard, and Noot knew that all he needed was cookies and the occasional revenge attack. No- wait. Make that cookies and violence.
  16. Noot sadly obeyed, despite being the shard Goldfish and being more powerful than basically anything, no matter what Eof said. After all, it was important to try a variety of cookies. Perhaps some shiny metal cookies next?
  17. Noot realized that he had made a grammar error in his monolouge. Narrators could be made into excellent cookies. Especially the Cellist.
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