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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. These spirits kind of remind me of the spirits from Eragon. What about smaller, more common wildlife? Little magical critters?
  2. Yeah. You have less time to do fun homeschool stuff, and not enough time to make friends at school. Most people I know who did part time public school (myself included) ended up picking one or the other after middle school.
  3. Yeah. Going to public school part time just isn't the same.
  4. (Sorry if I'm butting in here) Can I call myself a homeschooler even though I haven't been fully homeschooled since sixth grade? Being homeschooled is more fun, but at public school there are lots of people to study!
  5. For if Hambo had learned one thing from his relentless reading of Alcatraz vs. the evil librarians, it was that trying again would always lead to amazing rewards.
  6. Ranryu's pyromania and conscience fought each other for a moment. "Yeah... I guess it is his clinic. Maybe we could just burn it a little?"
  7. "What if we just burned the clinic down?" Ranryu looked longingly at her lighter. "The chickens took my BOOKS, man. MY BOOKS. They need to learn not to mess with a dragon's hoard."
  8. Including almost every single pig in existence, because pigs are people too. Only one pig survived.
  9. Ranryu grinned dragonishly and flicked her lighter on, grey thinfire snaking up to the ceiling.
  10. Ranryu walked up, wings flared in annoyance. "I leave for a few hours, and this is what you do? It's a miracle none of you set off any of my trap cards. Also, why did Haly get to test for powers and not me?... Not that it matters or anything." She muttered that last line quietly. She sighed, then held up a stack of cards and a lighter. "Anyone up for burning chickens and then blowing them up?"
  11. Ranryu took a few minutes to lay pieces of paper in regular intervals around the edges of the room, then curled up on the floor. "Don't disturb the trap cards. They'll keep us safe in case of an ambush." With this being said, Ranryu retreated to work on her deck.
  12. "Thanks! Now I can go corporeal again!" Ranryu blinked at the group of people in mild embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I don't really know any of you except Emma..."
  13. Belatedly, Ranryu jogged up to the group. "Sorry guys. The spell didn't work on me because of this stupid knife. It won't leave me alone." As she said this, the knife made another attempt to stab through her hazy form.
  14. "Hey! Nice to meet you! Could you lend me a hand with this chicken knife?" Ranryu says from her cloud form.
  15. The clouds reacted by shooting out jolts of electricity. Ranryu cried out in pain.
  16. Out of ideas, all Ranryu could do was dissipate into clouds. If the knife pierced her, there would be a lot of pain and lightning, but she wouldn't die.
  17. "Oh gosh. Do you want to destroy the clinic?" Ranryu hopped into the tunnel she had drilled into the floor a few weeks ago. It led all over the clinic. I'm gonna need some backup against these interlopers.
  18. The knife went through cloud and smoke. No one would be slaying the Storm Dragon today.
  19. Thinfire was content to do as it was commanded, being a calmer variety of flame. Ranryu sat it her room, waiting. No chicken would be able to survive the traps she had placed.
  20. Meanwhile, the thinfire continued to spread along through the wooden supports of the building.
  21. Before she could be found, Ranryu dissipated like the smoke going through the ceiling.
  22. Now the dust and mildew was replaced with ashes. Be free, friends. Ranryu bade the books farewell. Thinfire was irreversible, and it only damaged wood and paper.
  23. Ranryu crouched behind a library shelf. Dust and mildew filled the air. This was an old part of the library, the part nobody cared about any more. In her hands was a blue aluminum lighter. The fire it produced was a dim silvery grey, barely noticeable in the library's gloom. They can take my books. Ranryu thought. But they can't take my fire. All the books Ranryu loved went up in flames. She sat in the middle of the fire, watching Dune turn to ashes. The fire continued to spread throughout the library.
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