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Everything posted by Ranryu

  1. Prompt: Write about a planet where it rains to burning acid and humans have gone extinct and the world is inhabited by lizard people but the one of them finds a live human five year old girl!!
  2. "Seriously people!" Ranryu shouted. "The only thing to do down here is this beat-up copy of Little House on the Prairie, and I've already read it a billion times. Can someone let me out? I was almost done with the last Skyward Flight novella!!"
  3. Muffled screaming emanated from a dark pit in the ground. It was a wonder no one had noticed it, as Ranryu had been stuck inside for over a week.
  4. Ranryu took this lack of an answer as a yes and amused herself by telepathically communicating with the the koala sheep (they were much more talkative than the people who she was eavesdropping on). After all, she thought, deus ex machina is the funnest type of non-logic. Why bother to make a plot that doesn't have a huge, easily defeated bad guy?
  5. Ranryu walked up, moderately confused. "I've been summoned here, but-- wait. Can I have these koala sheep?" She leaned down and began petting one.
  6. Welcome! May your state of existing be prolonged! Which Cosmere character is your favorite?
  7. Why are we having a math test in a caldera? The team lost 6-14, but then the players all caught fire, so I consider it a win.
  8. Gets an overly-friendly sentient piece of literal trash. Inserts an umbrella.
  9. At this, Noot un-revenged Lightseeker and scampered off. The beings are paying too much attention to the Ultimate Cookie right now, he thought. I shall return when they least expect it.
  10. Noot arrived at the scene just in time to see the disk vaporize. He cried in despair and vowed revenge on Lightseeker.
  11. Meanwhile, Noot scampered as fast as he could back to the "Ultimate Cookie". You see, he wasn't a Narrator, and his only goal in life was to rule the world via cookies. Nothing would stop him.
  12. Noot stared at the disk longingly. The world's most powerful cookie...
  13. True to his character, Noot promptly ate the cookies, although they didn't sit well with the strange machine in his stomach. The device continued to vibrate and glow, giving Noot the appearance of a fuzzy jack-o-lantern.
  14. Noot of course gobbled up the cookies, and then he curled up on Someone's head, determined to ignore any good advice any tall being might give.
  15. Noot wriggled out of Darkstalker's grasp and ran over to Someone, bowing down to him worshipfully. "Master has given Noot a cookie! Noot is at your command."
  16. Noot, slightly frightened but unyielding, bit down on the tail even harder.
  17. Noot, startled by Steven's sudden appearance, chomped on Darkstalker's tail with his piranha-like teeth.
  18. A small mammal called Noot appeared and gobbled up Darkstalker's cookies before anyone could eat them. "I will eat all the cookies!" it cried in its strange Noot language
  19. Why does your shirt say "Only illegal in a court of law"? If you want him to give you the treasure, you must grab him by the beard.
  20. Um... Why is Stan playing his tuba on the rooftops? Fortunately, all the mutant kangaroos were herded up and shipped back to Greenland
  21. My favorite color is probably blue or white, but I find it really fun to use a variety of colors. I mostly play draft
  22. Surrender, Lord Ruler, or face the wrath of various rebels! I'm not exactly sure, but you should call animal control just in case.
  23. As the pineapples were sliced open, tiny goblins emerged, intent on repaying the one who had freed them from their fruity prisons.
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