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Status Replies posted by Ranryu

  1. I keep threatening to braid peoples' hair. It's oddly satisfying how well it works.

    1. Ranryu


      I assumed. Having your hair braided isn't that bad. (except for potato apparently) Grow it out a little and we'll talk.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  2. I keep threatening to braid peoples' hair. It's oddly satisfying how well it works.

  3. I keep threatening to braid peoples' hair. It's oddly satisfying how well it works.

    1. Ranryu


      As in, "Do what I want {@That1Cellist / @Potato's Wit / @The last Fae in the Woods} or I'll braid your hair", and then they obey.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  4. As little as one apple can be lethal when delivered at mach 5.

  5. Well, my fellow humans, it has happened. My parents finally decided to sit down and talk with me. I am not allowed to be as outwardly depressed and self-insulting as before.

    And, based on other parts of that conversation, I’m really beginning to realize something.

    It might be time to let go. To let it all go.

  6. why is arkansas pronounced arkansas but just kansas isnt pronounced kansas

  7. why is arkansas pronounced arkansas but just kansas isnt pronounced kansas

  8. why is arkansas pronounced arkansas but just kansas isnt pronounced kansas

  9. why is arkansas pronounced arkansas but just kansas isnt pronounced kansas

  10. Guysguysguys I got kidnapped.

    @The Wandering Wizard and @The Bookwyrm and @InfiniteInsanity and @That1Cellist showed up at my house and then we went rock climbing and got ice cream and @InfiniteInsanity got a really bad sugar high and it was sooo soooo fun.

    Plus, my flute quartet got a 1 on our performance today, so we're happy.

  11. Guysguysguys I got kidnapped.

    @The Wandering Wizard and @The Bookwyrm and @InfiniteInsanity and @That1Cellist showed up at my house and then we went rock climbing and got ice cream and @InfiniteInsanity got a really bad sugar high and it was sooo soooo fun.

    Plus, my flute quartet got a 1 on our performance today, so we're happy.

  12. *GASP* Happy birthday!!

  13. Happy birthday to youuuu happy birthday tooo youuuu happy birthday dear sister, happy birthday tooo youuu!

    Esther says hi. And happy B-day. :)

  14. Happy Birthday RANRYU!

  15. Happy storming birthday!

  16. Happy birthday Ranryu, have a nice day!

  17. HAPPY (slightly early) BIRTHDAY RANRYU!

  18. I am disappointed in humanity as a whole. We just can't seem to learn. We keep finding new ways to hate and excuses not to love. We find people who are different from us- even if it's a tiny thing like the brand of your shoes, and we unite in hate against them. 

    I think maybe we are cowards by nature. A necessity for survival, perhaps. You rarely see people picking on the strong and powerful. Instead, we pick on the weak and defenseless. Shy people, babies, people with disabilities, strangers, people without an army of 'friends' to back them up. Why do we do it? What's it worth to us? A cheap laugh at someone else's expense? The satisfaction of knowing we've caused someone else an unwarranted lifetime of hurt?

    Aren't we more than the simple urge to seek pleasure and avoid punishment? Where is the human spirit- the capability and desire to make things better than they are now? Hate brings hate brings hate brings hate. Isn't anyone brave enough to try loving someone without care for if that love is returned? Not the shallow feelings of attraction, but true love; the willingness to help someone without reward, even if that help is a simple kind word? 

    In my studies I have seen much hate, much passion, but little true love. All I want is to stop the hate with kindness and caring. There's so much shallow paint covering the wall that is our culture, but what is underneath it? Is the wood rotting from neglect?

    Happy Valentine's day, humans. I hope the chocolate was good.

    1. Ranryu



      He did both!?

      He's a handful. The book was spilled, not dipped, though.


      Agreed, though I may be a little biased as someone who does not experience it. Can we just... stop? For a little? With all the incessant talking about it and needing to pursue it and way too much importance given to it?

      Exactly! Imagine the benefits if our society stopped putting so much emphasis on this. Crime rates, human trafficking, mental illness, people feeling terrible because they don't fit the expected stereotype... What would it be like to be able to go on a walk downtown and not be worried about being kidnapped by some creep? And in a narrower sense, maybe the act of interacting with my peers wouldn't make me feel dirty and uncomfortable.

      Uh oh I remembered ranting means sleep deprivation. Ranryu out.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  19. I am disappointed in humanity as a whole. We just can't seem to learn. We keep finding new ways to hate and excuses not to love. We find people who are different from us- even if it's a tiny thing like the brand of your shoes, and we unite in hate against them. 

    I think maybe we are cowards by nature. A necessity for survival, perhaps. You rarely see people picking on the strong and powerful. Instead, we pick on the weak and defenseless. Shy people, babies, people with disabilities, strangers, people without an army of 'friends' to back them up. Why do we do it? What's it worth to us? A cheap laugh at someone else's expense? The satisfaction of knowing we've caused someone else an unwarranted lifetime of hurt?

    Aren't we more than the simple urge to seek pleasure and avoid punishment? Where is the human spirit- the capability and desire to make things better than they are now? Hate brings hate brings hate brings hate. Isn't anyone brave enough to try loving someone without care for if that love is returned? Not the shallow feelings of attraction, but true love; the willingness to help someone without reward, even if that help is a simple kind word? 

    In my studies I have seen much hate, much passion, but little true love. All I want is to stop the hate with kindness and caring. There's so much shallow paint covering the wall that is our culture, but what is underneath it? Is the wood rotting from neglect?

    Happy Valentine's day, humans. I hope the chocolate was good.

    1. Ranryu



      Please tell me your brother doesn't actually dip his garlic bread in ketchup

      He learned his lesson after the first time with both the book and the bread.


      Good people are lost under an exterior of a normal person. They hide behind the normal person because it's easy, because they don't have to go out of their way to say hello to the kid on the ground. To go and sit by the kid all alone on the lunchroom floor. Those people that openly try are rare and too few. Someone has to start it, if you don't start it then the person next to you won't start it and it will just keep people passive and not doing anything.

      I'm just... so tired of everything being about romantic love 24/7. If you love one person but hate on everyone else constantly, what meaning does that love have?


      I think we have quite a few good people here on the Shard :D

      We do. But school is a different story. And even good people can get caught up in the superficial hate. I see it everywhere to some extent.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  20. I am disappointed in humanity as a whole. We just can't seem to learn. We keep finding new ways to hate and excuses not to love. We find people who are different from us- even if it's a tiny thing like the brand of your shoes, and we unite in hate against them. 

    I think maybe we are cowards by nature. A necessity for survival, perhaps. You rarely see people picking on the strong and powerful. Instead, we pick on the weak and defenseless. Shy people, babies, people with disabilities, strangers, people without an army of 'friends' to back them up. Why do we do it? What's it worth to us? A cheap laugh at someone else's expense? The satisfaction of knowing we've caused someone else an unwarranted lifetime of hurt?

    Aren't we more than the simple urge to seek pleasure and avoid punishment? Where is the human spirit- the capability and desire to make things better than they are now? Hate brings hate brings hate brings hate. Isn't anyone brave enough to try loving someone without care for if that love is returned? Not the shallow feelings of attraction, but true love; the willingness to help someone without reward, even if that help is a simple kind word? 

    In my studies I have seen much hate, much passion, but little true love. All I want is to stop the hate with kindness and caring. There's so much shallow paint covering the wall that is our culture, but what is underneath it? Is the wood rotting from neglect?

    Happy Valentine's day, humans. I hope the chocolate was good.

    1. Ranryu


      I guess that was kind of rant-y. Don't know where it came from. Today was pretty good, it rained and everything.

      Garlic bread is like a good book. There for you when you need it, and never disappointing. Unless your brother dips it in ketchup and then you explode from sadness. 

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  21. So I'm in science rn and at the front of the room is a cardboard box. On the box it says

    "Phone Jail

    (Mostly 2nd period)

    (And Mara)"


    I want to know what Mara did to invoke the wrath of the science teacher...

  22. Guysguysguysguysguysguysguys

    I’m at a Culver’s right now and there’s a guy who I have in some of my school classes here. We’re trying to ignore each other but I’ve caught him looking in my direction a couple times.

    uh oh uh oh uh oh

  23. Dewey Duck is my spirit animal.


    Dewey Duck (2017) | DuckTales Wiki | Fandom

    Dewey Duck Dances (@deweyduckdances) / Twitter

    Dewey Duck | Duck tales, Funny birds, Duck

    For this reason, Ben Schwartz is my favorite voice actor and I like just about every cartoon he's in.

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