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Image Comments posted by Hyoukane

  1. On 30.10.2022 at 8:20 AM, TheWanderer said:

    God I forgot what a wholesome scene this was, our stormblessed friend needs more happy moments like this.

    It was a really the touching scene! I hope Book 5 brings more moments like this (with Kaladin family, etc.)

  2. On 01.11.2022 at 10:41 AM, Cinnamon said:

    Rust and ruin! All your art pieces are just so beautiful. You are an incredible artist and I love all your pieces so Storming much! Wow.

    Omg, thank you for your kind words & liking! Means a lot! 

  3. On 27.10.2022 at 2:43 PM, SymphonianBookworm said:

    Oh, I completely recognized them but if that wasn’t what you were going for I decided to ask if they were-

    You’re a really excellent artist!

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    Thanks! They are simply the best ship :D in my opinion.


    Oh yes, they are awesome! After their first interaction, I thought that they could become a cool couple. So I was glad they were in a relationship in Book 4 :D But they don't seem to be a very popular couple.

  4. On 26.10.2022 at 2:18 AM, SymphonianBookworm said:

    Is this Jasnah and Wit? Are you a Jasnahoid Shipper?

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    If you are interested, I have a Jasnahoid Shippers Club thing!

    Why does this sound like an ad...


    Yes, that's Jasnah and Hoid! I hope to draw them more often in the future so that they are more recognizable, ahah :P 


    Jasnahoid Shippers Club sounds so much fun!


  5. 12 minutes ago, TheWanderer said:

    Strange seeming him happy, nice, but strange. Another beautiful bit of art, keep up the great work.

    Oh yeah, I know! Kaladin is all so serious & brooding. So here am I with some happy sketches! Thank you anyway~

  6. 1 hour ago, Returned said:

    This is my favorite Kaladin and Syl picture to date. The composition and poses are really great, and get at a rare moment and interaction for the characters (especially Kal!).

    Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked it! 

  7. On 20.10.2022 at 2:28 AM, Returned said:

    I like all of the elements, but I especially like the coloring in Adolin's hair. That's always a detail I've had trouble visualizing well, and I think that it looks fantastic here!

    Thank you! His hair is amazing, hard enough to imagine it into artwork and make it works properly ahahah :P

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