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Lotus Blossom

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Lotus Blossom last won the day on December 24 2023

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About Lotus Blossom

  • Birthday December 3

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    i'm always watching
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    Reading, Writing Books, Ancient Mythology, Singing, Acting, History, English, Latin, Piano, D&D, Poetry

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  1. Sorry for the double SU but I'm actually having a mental breakdown because of my earlier post.

    Please send help I'm crying and can barely breathe idk why I'm reacting like this.

    It just sort of set in.

    How does someone get over a disappointment like this??

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Experience


      You are loved <3

    3. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      I hope this helps, First thing is to talk to someone who is a good listener. Not necessarily for advice but just to be able to get these emotions out and confront them. For me this normally helps me truly realize what I am feeling. Second is to take a step back form the situation, read a book, watch something, listen to a playlist.(one big recommendation is a comedy show. Like pych or Brookline 99, something like that.) What comes next is up to you on how you are feeling after step one and two. 

      I hope things get better. I know we don’t know each other so this may not mean anything to you but I have been where you have been and it does suck. Just know that at the very this this site is a good place to vent and just get thing out and hopefully something someone says will help

    4. Lotus Blossom

      Lotus Blossom

      thank you so much everyone...

      i really appreciate it

      i'm trying everything you're suggesting

      you really helped <3

      i'll see. i'll have to get over it eventually. it's still pretty painful right now, but it cant last forever.

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