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shortcake last won the day on May 2

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About shortcake

  • Birthday 04/15/2007

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  • Member Title
    heehee Eddie's a nerd
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  • Location
    somewhere lost among my own thoughts
  • Interests
    writing (specifically slam poetry)
    Bee and PuppyCat (show)
    overthinking things
    Twenty One Pilots (band)
    Over The Garden Wall (show)
    Steven Universe (show[s])
    the Simon Snow trilogy (book series)
    Coraline (movie and book)
    Murder Drones (show)
    The Amazing Digital Circus (show)
    The Pink Panther (I like the movie more than the show, but I still love them both)
    tiny bowls and silverware (THEY'RE CUTE, OKAY??)
    remembering things
    queer/alt fashion
    looking at people in cars and pretending to know things about them (pls say m not the only one who does that)
    being silly
    fancy/big words
    m u s i c (if I'm not wearing earbuds/listening to music, it's probably because I was forced /hj)

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  1. Oof. Okay, deep breaths.

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh okayokayokay

    I wanna say something. And if people end up hating me for it, then sucks for them.

    So, uh-

    I am biologically a female. But recently, I haven't always felt feminine. I'm not saying that I'm transgender. Not at all. I just don't always feel like a woman, I guess.

    Like, I enjoy wearing dresses sometimes, but I don't like having... how do I say this- the stuff at the top. And I bought a binder (for those of you who don't know, binders are the thing that some people use to  flatten the "top junk." It looks kind of like a bra.) so that I don''t have to deal with it all the time, but I think I might be wearing it too much.  Like, to the point where my lungs have started hurting so bad that I'll be gasping for air. And yes, I'm fairly certain it's because of the binder, and not because of something else, because it doesn't happen when I'm not wearing it.

    But here's the thing. I don't want to not wear it. I feel more myself when I wear it.

    I guess what I'm trying to say, is that I'm either agender or non-binary. And that wearing a binder might be hurting me physically, but it's given me some clarity, mentally. But I'm trying to decide if the binder is worth it. I don't know how I feel about it, but  I do know that when I wore the binder for the first time, I felt more me. I don't want to lose that. It's the only thing that's made sense to me during this messed-up summer.

    but yeah. also please don't just like, read this and then not say anything, because then I'll get super anxious because I won't know how you feel about it.

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    2. Cinnamon


      Fin, if you feel more comfortable and more YOU wearing a binder then that is a good thing but none of us want you to be hurting yourself. Honestly I strongly dislike my top stuff too. Perhaps do some research on safe binder wearing and how you know you have the correct size etc. maybe ask your GP, but for now I think the best thing for you would be to wear it less, which may suck but your health matters <3 We love you and I hope you can figure yourself out, it’s hard.

    3. shortcake


      aahhh thank you guys so much for all the support!!

      @SmilingPanda19, I respect you and am glad that we can still be friends even when we don't agree on anything. thank you <3

      @Shadowed, I'm gonna start wearing more baggy clothes to give my lungs a break :D

      @CalanoCorvus, if I could, I would totally give you my top junk lol XD

      @Slowswift, thank you for asking! It's a bit hard for me to explain, since I'm still figuring things out myself, but I guess I just don't feel like a female. Does that make sense? If anyone else has a good way of explaining it, feel free to do so.

      @SmilingPanda19, @Lotus Blossom, @Robin Sedai, @Shadowed, @Kajsa :), and especially @Cinnamon, I did a bit of research to find a binder of better quality- one that won't restrict my breathing. Once I get my next paycheck, I'm gonna order one.

      Also, I'll still respond to "shortcake" (:

      Thank you, guys!! <3

    4. Slowswift


      Short answer: yes. I think I just had things backwards. Thanks for answering!

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