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The Halcyon Girl

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The Halcyon Girl last won the day on September 8

The Halcyon Girl had the most liked content!

About The Halcyon Girl

  • Birthday February 28

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    And pulled me back from things divine
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  • Location
    These streets are yours, you can keep them
  • Interests
    Writing (mostly fantasy, some sci-fi. All fiction, though), reading, Stardew Valley, music, lots of things.

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  1. Ahem. Good day, subjects. Today is a good day, for you see, I am perched on a lovely dragoney throne with embellishments of platinum. Expensive, yes, but nothing I can’t handle with the help of your taxes! Look how it shimmers in the light. Gorgeous.

    *pets blue fire lizards*

    My pets like it too.

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
    3. Frustration



      I'm gonna overthrow this government, then I'm gonna make a new government and overthrow that government.

      Then I will go mad with power execute thousands of people, get executed, and replaced by a new government, which will be overthrown by a new government. Which will be turned into an empire.

      That empire will take over most of the world, get overthrown, and then come back only to be overthrown by the original government.


      Or you can give me a protein shake and a bag of chips, whichever you prefer.

    4. Ranryu


      Here, have all the food you want. We found a way to get soulcasters to make yummy food.

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