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J. Magi

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J. Magi last won the day on September 13

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About J. Magi

  • Birthday April 7

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  • Member Title
    Get thee gone from my gate, thou jail-crow of Mandos
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    Inside the Moon
  • Interests
    Creating nigh incomprehensible lore for HG
    Constantly changing my pfp because I'm mean like that
    Silly little Finwëan guys

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  1. Read the first few chapters of the Hunger games last night and I'm enjoying it so far. I think it's the first book I've read that's in present tense, which I find a little weird (It actually reminds of reading online rp posts lol), but I'm starting to get used to it.

    It does feel pretty wild though because I'm reading the source material for what is essentially fanfiction I've been writing here in the rp's for months.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Slowswift


      I've read The Hunger Games a couple times and was surprised at how much I genuinely loved it.* (In a way that no other YA dystopian series managed, no less.)

      *Except for the ending. I thought the ending was awful. Maybe that was the point, but goodness, both times I read it I was massively dissatisfied.

    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Yes, I was under the impression that a lot of YA dystopia novels that followed HG weren't nearly as good. (I did actually try Divergent once . . . it was certainly fun to laugh at).

    4. Slowswift


      I read Divergent, thought "that was interesting", and never felt an iota of a desire to pick up the sequels.

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