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J. Magi

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J. Magi last won the day on September 13

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About J. Magi

  • Birthday April 7

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  • Member Title
    Get thee gone from my gate, thou jail-crow of Mandos
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    Inside the Moon
  • Interests
    Creating nigh incomprehensible lore for HG
    Constantly changing my pfp because I'm mean like that
    Silly little Finwëan guys

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  1. Remember the idea I had to write an entire short story in haiku format? Well it's still something I want to do, but the second (and latest attempt) is also being scrapped. I need to work out a solid story before I begin and I didn't really know where I was going with this one so . . . I don't really think I can work on it anymore. Maybe I'll change my mind if you have ideas??

    Here it is, if your curious. I don't know if it's particularly good, but it is something.


    The tree is rotting.

    The corruption spreads outward.

    Hidden by the leaves.




    The doctor arrived,

    on her coronation day.

    The staff was displeased.


    Why was he so late?

    There were just a few hours left.

    Soon, she would be queen.


    Her curse could not stay.

    It needed to be lifted.

    So, the doctor came.


    They showed him through

    To the cursed Princess’ rooms.

    Tall, bright, and ornate.


    Before entering,

    The lady’s maid came to ‘explain’.

    “The curse isn’t simple,”


    “We don’t understand,”

    “Some of the things that happen . . .”

    “It’s unexplainable.”


    The doctor sighed heavily.

    He would need to know more.

    “. . . How unfortunate.”


    “Indeed,” the maid replied.

    “Perhaps meeting her will help.”

    She gestured forward.


    They passed through gold doors,

    And followed velvet carpet.

    Swallowed by thick tapestry.


    Her room was dimly lit.

    Candles made gold accents glow.

    Chairs dripped jewels and silks.


    She sat at a table.

    Drowning in a plush, blue gown.

    Her eyes were distant.


    “The tree is rotting.” 

    She mumbled to the shadows.

    “. . . I feel like rotting.”


    “Lady Caroline?”

    The maid inquired, unshaken.

    “You're awake so early?”


    The doctor stayed quiet.

    He checked his watch--2 PM.

    Not early for him.


    “Lady Caroline?”

    The Lady’s maid asked again.

    “The Doctor is here.”


    “Go away,” she mumbled.

    The doors to her room opened.

    No one had touched them.


    “Don’t be silly dear.”

    The maid slowly approached her.

    “The Doctor will help.”


    “He can’t do anything,”

    Caroline insisted, curt.

    “I don’t want him too.”


    The doctor moved over,

    And put his hands on the table.

    “Do you often feel sick?”


    “No.” Caroline said.

    “Don’t you ignore what I said!”

    “I don’t want you here.”


    “I’m afraid I’m needed.”

    The table shifted away,

    Out from under him.


    “Lady Caroline!”

    The maid scolded her quickly.

    “You're terribly rude!”


    “Well, I don’t feel sick!”

    “I’m fine, so he can leave now.”

    She stared at the floor.

    Dialogue is really difficult, so next time I might try something that has less speaking and is more focused on narrative. We'll see 😅

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      it absolutely is a pain lol . . . there's a reason why I've had 2 unsuccessful attempts.

    3. Kajsa



    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      lol thanks

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