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J. Magi

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J. Magi last won the day on September 13

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About J. Magi

  • Birthday April 7

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  • Member Title
    Get thee gone from my gate, thou jail-crow of Mandos
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  • Location
    Inside the Moon
  • Interests
    Creating nigh incomprehensible lore for HG
    Constantly changing my pfp because I'm mean like that
    Silly little Finwëan guys

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  1. I very strongly dislike my homeroom teacher

    he's one of those teacher's who's an elementary school teacher and he doesn't realize he'd been hired at a HIGH SCHOOL and is working with NEAR ADULTS

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I think I was spoiled with high school teachers.

      I mean, there were people who still complained, because there always will be, but they were really good teachers.

    3. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      I have a pretty good mix of good and bad teachers.

      Mostly good, if only because I made sure to choose good teachers during scheduling. 😁

    4. Spark of Hope

      Spark of Hope

      Freshman year, my geography teacher sounded like she was talking to first graders...

      I liked her as a person, but it got annoying hearing "Okay, everyone! Now get out your yellow folders for class today!"

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