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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. Alrighty. I just need to know because I have a family tree to plan out and of course my next character will be related.
  2. Well, The House at least is pretty corrupt, just because management is changing doesn't mean things will get better. Sounds good to me, I didn't expect the House to occupy authority for very long (seeing as I murdered their leader *cough*). Do we have any idea of how large the time skip will be?
  3. "No the--Dougella, the House is taking over the country. We won't be fugitives, we'll be heroes." Not that he felt particularly victorious at the moment.
  4. "Umm, sure," He whispers back. "We're trying to help Jolane--the waitress from before. Try not to get caught, okay?"
  5. "To Jolane? Maybe, but definitely not Robert."
  6. Someone complimented me on the neon orange band-aid I put on my nose to cover a pimple . . . 

    That has to be a good omen.

  7. "Robert, for sure, it seemed like the scrappy guy was desperate. I guess he's come in every week? And somehow that affects Jolane."
  8. July noted that she'd gone, realizing he should turn in soon himself. "Yeah, remember that scrappy guy who came in earlier? I overheard his conversation with Robert and I think he's connected to Jolane or something. Robert kept talking about years and I think they have some kind of a deal."
  9. Aki draws his sword, swinging it to decapitate the nearest one.
  10. Maybe

    the 8 hours of sleep were actually the friends we made a long the way

    consider that


    I actually don't feel that bad for only having 2 hours


    it's the delusion

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue



      but that’s ok, I write best when I need sleep

    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      lol eddie I feel that

    4. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      I GOT-



  11. "What . . . on earth are you talking about?" Sharp asked, his tired mind not understanding. -------------------------- Abandoned Mcdonald Warehouse/ House HG: Sharlin had rushed back to base ahead of the rest. While her battalions finished up in the arena, and helped the tributes out, she had more important things to do. Sharanna would want to here about her brother, but more importantly, Sharlin had gotten bored of watching teary-eyed reunions. Plus she didn't want to talk to him anymore. She slid through the warehouse's ground floor, dodging past guards in House uniforms and makeshift workstations. She didn't need to sneak in of course, but it was funnier to see if she could. After using some old rusty crates as cover from one last set of soldiers, she ducked down a stairwell in the buildings far corner. Greeted by the familiar musty smell, she bounced down the steps and pulled the creaky door at the bottom open. Few people were allowed in here, Sharanna's lair. The first room was pleasant, like the sitting room of some rich guys house. The carpet was soft under Sharlin's mud-covered boots, and it smelled too clean. The expensive looking coaches and bar were of little concern to her, however, and she moved through the room without acknowledging it. As her hand touched the handle of the next door, her breath caught as she heard movement. Turning rapidly, and whipping out her hand-gun, she came to face the 'intruder.' Not a spy, just a young boy sitting on one the coaches, staring vacantly at the floor. She'd walked right past him and hadn't even noticed him. He hadn't noticed her. Taking a breath, she stuffed her gun away, forcing herself to relax. Just a new friend of Sharanna's, nothing to worry about. (I hope this is okay with Eddie, Gavin would logistically be here, which is why I added it, I can edit this bit out). She turned, hand on the nob again, and swung the heavy door open. Just as she always had. Unfortunately, the room beyond was not, just as it always was. Sharlin screamed, of course. She was still a thirteen year old girl. Even bloodthirsty, jaded, cult-leading thirteen year old girls still screamed when they saw their sister laying on the floor, her blood painting the tiles a lovely scarlet. Even Sharlin would ignore the message on the wall (FOR SHARLEE, it said) and stare at the body. Because death wasn't really something thirteen year-old girls should face.
  12. "Um. No." "So . . . they are in charge? Please don't die--" Aki managed to say before he was whisked away.
  13. July spent his time working and looking for Ma'tani. He still needed to tell her about the secret conversation he'd overheard. @The Bookwyrm
  14. "O-oh, Dougella. Did you decide you wanted those breaths back?"
  15. Happy (almost) Birthday!!!

  16. Sharp noticed her looking. What was she smiling at? He hadn't agreed to come . . . he wasn't going to . . . He didn't want to . . . But he needed too. He hated to admit it, but it was true. The bills fell out of his hand and hit the ground with a squelch.
  17. He hadn't thought of that. "I . . . I couldn't, it wouldn't work . . . it . . ." It shouldn't work. It shouldn't be that easy, not for him.
  18. "If you need anything, call for us, I guess," July said, leaving him to his rest.
  19. She had a point. But so did over a hundred years of history. He wanted to go with her. She looked so kind, so inviting. The same as his own mother, the last time he saw her. But she had left him and father for a reason. "I . . . They'll look for me." His hand clenched over the blood-soaked bundle of cash. "She'll come after me."
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