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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "If it doesn't have to do the black market then I have no idea, lady."
  2. I really appreciate this seeing as I probably won't get my hands on a copy until early April. Thanks for extending it!
  3. *complete and utter shock except not really cause this is Brandon but still-*
  4. "Nothing funny about it . . . how am I supposed to win a contest if I don't know what I'm doing."
  5. Sharice gives her a flat stare. "It's . . . a food eating contest?"
  6. Sharice shrugs. "I just wanted my money." She glances at the crowd and the stage. "Say . . . what kind of game is this anyway?"
  7. Sharice makes the move. "There we are." In one smooth motion she scoops up her winnings and turns to the lady. "Now what was it you wanted?"
  8. Sharpo sneaks through the brush at the edge of the fight, watching while he circles.
  9. "Oh really, how scary." She makes another move herself. So close.
  10. "Can it wait?" She moves her piece, closing in on him. Not at all noticing that the whole crowd is staring at her.
  11. "Games? I'm already playing a game." And an important one at that, I've almost got him, she thinks to herself.
  12. I should be able to be active, so no worries. Just know if I disappear for a while, that's why. Feel free to control my character if I do.
  13. Sharpo slowly pulls his knife out of his pocket, in a nearly unnoticeable motion.
  14. "Your doing your best and that's what matters in the end, right?"
  15. "Darn . . . let's hope it's merchants, they'd be less likely to fight back."
  16. "Alright, I'll come if you really need me." She glances worriedly at Mike. "Where are we going?"
  17. "Oh nice! I'm PoMee. You live around here?"
  18. "He's going to kill me because I'm supposed to die . . . that's different." "Your doing great!!"
  19. These are awesome! I always love seeing peoples art here on the Shard! I especially like the bottom left one, it's cute! : D
  20. Sharpo takes the soup, but doesn't eat it yet. He watches them both intently. "We're all monsters here . . ." He whispers.
  21. "I do, I'm sure of it now . . . and hey don't cry you need to focus on the duel."
  22. "Don't worry about it, I think I need to die!"
  23. "It's not really that fun, but I guess the bragging points are worth it." "Shall we go then? To where ever we're going?"
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