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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. He gives you the biggest warmest cutest smile you have ever seen.
  2. "Okay! I believe in you!"
  3. aljsdja;djf I was gone for a while so I might have missed something important, I'll try and check but we'll see

    1. AonEne


      got back just in time for the big announcement!

    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      I just watched the video and I'm literally dead

      what a man

  4. The first story (which I'm now calling Demons of El) continued: (TW: More violence, mild blood, and disturbing monster description) (It's still not done yet . . . I thought it'd be fun to share the progress). Yeah I'm just kind of messing around with characters I've already made . . . I hope it isn't boring. I also haven't gone back and edited this new bit as much, so it might be clunkier. I'm aware it's not the most original thing in the world but I'm having fun so . . . whatever lol.
  5. "Oh . . . so your looking for her because your dead too?"
  6. "Oh, alright, do you know where she might be?"
  7. Spoiler

    uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh I'm so done with ACT prep I just want to go home but I shouldn't but also I don't want to be here :0



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      That is so beautifully passive aggressive lol.

      I'm honestly considering it . . . we're supposed to do a mock math exam today (which I do need to do) but I can do a mock on my own at home using some online resources so . .


      I guess I just have to decide if I have enough self control to make myself do it tomorrow instead of today . . .


    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      That’s…a hard choice. Go home anyway.

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      yeah I think I will . . . like I said, I can just do it at home. 

      I have to start studying at home anyway so It'll be alright.

  8. "You think I feel like I do, that makes you a person. I helped you a lot! There were several battles, and then you needed someone to guide you when your mind wan't . . . all there."
  9. "Be-because your a good person who doesn't eat the people who help her?"
  10. "But wouldn't eating an animals soul be more . . . humane?" He sighs and puts the chicken back in his coat. "That is a little concerning, on your part, but . . . I'm glad she ate something at least."
  11. "We can . . . kill some food, and then feed her it's soul . . I guess." He pulled a live chicken out of his jacket. "Maybe something like this?"
  12. "We didn't do anything, you've just had some troubles here and there. Like I said, we'll figure it out." "We don't we start with actual food?"
  13. "It's alright, I'm sure we'll figure it out," Penn said, trying to calm her down. "You'll remember with time." "N-NO, we're trying to get her to be non-violent, sleeper," He whispers.
  14. "Yes, we're friends! We have been for a while. What do you feel like eating?"
  15. "Ummm maybe, she might not taste good though."
  16. He nods ". . . I'm trying to be optimistic about this whole thing."
  17. He puts the book back and sits down again. "I did teach Sharpo a few things, so I don't think he'd be completely unprepared, that being said most of the tributes are probably older and stronger then him."
  18. "Hey, and not in that particular way, but sometimes you've gotta be a little crazy to survive in there . . ." He grins in a 'I would know' way.
  19. "Not sure . . . but we're gonna go capture a bad guy! Wanna come?"
  20. "Well . . . just because they're brothers doesn't mean they're alike." He closed the book. "I'm just glad Sharpo seems alright so far, it could be much worse."
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