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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "Yeah, that's the one I won . . I don't believe I killed him though."
  2. "If so he'd be there," Sharp'i said, turning a few pages forward to the 'T' section.
  3. "Oh! Alright." Sharp'i points to a column that lists tributes parents or who they were under the care of before they were taking. "It would be here." He hands her the book so she can look for specific people.
  4. The pages contain organized notes on tributes. Their names, age and other background details were listed in a tables down the pages--information that was probably bought off the black market. "What are you looking for?"
  5. "Well we can check, but I don't know if we'd info on the new tributes though, we'd have to ask someone else for that." He stood and started pulling some large books of the shelves on the left wall, and flipped through a couple of them.
  6. "Like records? I'm sure we kept some of the old games for House purposes, why?"
  7. "Sharpo might have talked about me? I don't recognize him from another games."
  8. "Is a merchant ship or more pirates?" Merinn asked, looking over his shoulder.
  9. "The kids?" He flipped between channels that showed different views of the arena. "No not really. You?"
  10. "I don't know . . ." He turns back to the screen, but it just shows Sharpo sitting in a field with his companion. Still waiting for something. "Is there anything you want to do?"
  11. When you name both pairs of wireless headphones you own after Cosmere characters so you can make jokes about Connection.
  12. "Yeah, I think I should stay here, I kind of work here so . . ."
  13. They're a page-ish of short story's I haven't (or wont) finish. I haven't really finished anything I'm proud of yet, but the plan is to put it here when I do. I just wanted to throw some examples of my writing here while I try and finish something. I think just having a thread for it will motivate me to do it more (if that makes sense). But I guess it is kinda of odd to read a few paragraphs of a story and then have it just stop at a random place lol.
  14. Mine is really dumb/weird but . . .
  15. Welcome to the Shard!! Do you have a favorite kind of bagel?
  16. "Okay!!" "Where are we going exactly?"
  17. For me, I decided to look up stormlight fanart while reading WoR. I can't remember any specific posts but contact with the fandom somehow made me aware eventually.
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