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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. I disagree . . . we've got at least three different character interactions going on at the moment. It may be slowing down, but that's just natural as the RP progresses. Not to mention that HG was always been very fast paced for a Shard RP. It's current rate is still faster than many RP's I've been in in the past.
  2. He glanced at her and then blushed. "I . . I don't know. I was living for Sharpo but now . . ."
  3. "Right . . ." Sharpo plops down and starts ripping strips of fabric off of the top edge of his sack.
  4. He smiles back. "Okay!"
  5. He hesitates, but then it all comes rushing out. "I . . . oh gosh, I don't know. There's just so much. I want to be there to help Sharpo but, there's also this part of me deep down that wants to be there for myself. Not because I enjoyed the games in the past, but because being a part of them was always kind of my purpose. It always felt like I was meant to be in the games, one after another and so . . . I don't know, It feels wrong that I'm on the outside looking in. If there's someone who should be out there it's me, because at least--at least I'm already broken because of it. Y'know? He shouldn't be there, he should be here, living and moving on." His eyes fill with tears. "I can't move on--I've tried so hard."
  6. "Wisdom comes at a cost I guess." He smiles sadly, "But I'm glad I could help."
  7. "Oh, but . . . I've seen death before. I'll be alright."
  8. "Yeah . . . I know it's bad. I'm not good at getting the bad to go away but--I can tell you that you'll get through it. You'll keep surviving, even if you don't want too . . ." He shuffles his feet a bit. "But maybe, you'll live long enough to find something good right? Things are pretty terrible but . . . maybe they won't be tomorrow."
  9. Yeah! I know I was a little weird with her being so separated from everything else, but imo that made her joining them in WoR all the more satisfying.
  10. I've heard people argue that in the past, but I guess I was really interested in the mystery surrounding her goals, and I thought the reveal that she had been the one to kill her father was really mind-blowing.
  11. Interesting! I've always thought she was an interesting character (start to finish), but I've never found her annoying.
  12. Oh boy here we go. I keep telling myself I shouldn't make this because I haven't finished anything but . . . I think that making a thread will help motivate me to actually write stuff. Not only that but I think encouraging myself to write little bits here and there is better than forcing myself to write big stuff and eventually getting burnt out. Um so yeah, Hi! I'm pretty new to writing, but it's something I really enjoy and want to get better at. I finished two short stories so far, one in middle school that was . . . good for middle school maybe, but definitely still written by a middle schooler, and one I wrote last year that is an absolute hot mess. Like I said I don't have anything finished so um. yeah. (TW: Implied violence and blood) This is a page of a thing I started and may or may not finish we'll see: I have done a little editing on it, but not a lot so things may be redundant or weird sounding. There's also this: It has been and will stay completely and utterly abandoned because I've completely changed Niya's backstory . . . so yep. Also I feel like things are a bit melodramatic but that might just be me? And yeah there's no explanation why Helmest is meeting 'challengers' but once again this story has completely changed so . . . I'll explain if you want me too, but it's not super important. I did write this a little while ago, which means the writing might be a little rougher. That's all I got for now (that I feel like sharing at least). I hope I can share stuff here in the future, and maybe eventually actually finish something . . . lol
  13. I see I've made a reputation for myself . . . . lol Welcome to the Shard!! It's nice to meet another fellow artist! I guess I need another question . . . hmm Do you like Shallan? That tends to be pretty divided both ways.
  14. Ooo nice! I agree, everything bagels are pretty messy, but they're good with cream cheese.
  15. His eyes get big. "How did you know that?"
  16. Me: Oh, I should take some career tests to figure out what to do with my life since being an artist is probably impossible

    Career test: You should be an artist lol


    Me: Oh come on

  17. Welcome to the Shard!! Do you have a favorite kind of bagel?
  18. Po doesn't look at him, but he does take his hand.
  19. "That's strange . . . but I think I understand." His eyes grew distant.
  20. Happy Birthday Haly!!!

  21. "But you want to kill him, don't you?"
  22. "Oh absolutely not, I'm a wanted man there."
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