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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. Penn decides to pretend he didn't just see that.
  2. "But killing is wrong, Shar'i told me so-- and he knows all about that sort of stuff."
  3. "I'm confused . . . can- can you do that?" Sharpo offers to help Kaza up.
  4. "I don't have any on me." He gives a sort of 'serves you right' look.
  5. "Okay but . . . I'm supposed to die first."
  6. "Oh I'm sure it'll turn up eventually. No doubt she left it lying around for someone to find it."
  7. "I told I know how . . ." He mumbled, forcing himself to stay upright. He grabs Kaza's hand (that's holding his shirt), and yanks it down and away, trying to throw him to the ground.
  8. The string connects with his soul, and pulls it back into his body. "Still, I can only reach the strings so many times without resting."
  9. "Yes, but I only have so much energy you know . . . you had better not die again anytime soon." A glowing, golden string comes out of his hand and connects with Sleepers head, then starts to slink over to Sleeper's soul.
  10. "Okay." Sharpo puts his knife away in his bag. He punches Kaza in the gut, hard.
  11. "Oh come on." Penn sits by sleeper's body and focuses, trying to get ready for the process.
  12. He doesn't flinch or try to dodge. "But I don't want to get in trouble."
  13. "Oh . . . I'm sorry, I'll try and be more normal."
  14. "Nope, I haven't traveled much myself."
  15. "I little planet called Elsade, it's always been rather closed off from other worlds."
  16. "With . . . uh . . . it's kinda hard to explain, soul altering magic is common where I come from."
  17. "You just gotta tie the soul back to the body."
  18. "I brought him back just a little while ago actually!"
  19. He sighs deeply. "Alright, no point keeping it a secret any longer." "I believe Sharon was trying to make it look like I did it, after she found Sharp dead. She came into my room and stole some clothes and one of the daggers. I happened to wake up as she was leaving, but she didn't notice, and I didn't really think much of it . . . it was the middle of the night. Sharon must have placed the clothes in there sometime the next morning after getting them bloody." "She must have used your knife to stab him after he was dead to make it look like he didn't die from poison." Sharp added. "Yes . . . I'll admit I was shocked to find the clothes, but I didn't bring it forward because I thought it'd raise suspicion towards me, even if I insisted I didn't put them there. I popped the gems out of my knives and hid them with the cloths in the hopes that if the knife was found, it wouldn't look like it was from my collection." He chuckles to himself. "I guess it wasn't the smartest thing in the world."
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