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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "M'kay." "I know how, but I never done it before."
  2. "Oh dear . . . are you injured?"
  3. "Big Bad Evil Girl," Penn corrected. "I think it's a girl."
  4. "Um . . . are you okay?"
  5. yeah lol, though Joel will always be terrible at traps, no matter the series.
  6. "Alright." He follows.
  7. "I . . . alright," Sharp said, a little shocked. "Did you figure out what all this was about then?" He gestured at the bloody clothes and knives on the table.
  8. Inside, everyone still sat in tense silence in the sitting room. Sharp'i looked up when Kandy entered. "Where's Sharlee?"
  9. "Okay, thank you . . . What are we going to do?"
  10. She pulls her hand away. "I don't want you to defend me, and I don't want to see any of their faces ever again." She turns to start trudging away, basket in hand.
  11. "Alright, but you'll kill me later right?"
  12. "She just wanted Sharp'i dead . . . She hated him the most, even more than her husband." Sharlee seemed deflated now, with all her secrets confessed. "She blamed him for the fall of the house, because he hadn't been successful in the games."
  13. "I doesn't matter what kind of poison it was . . . you can hardly blame me. The poison was meant for Sharp'i, but he didn't deserve it nearly as much as his father did. She was furious when she found out . . . spent all night covering it up. But in the end she was the one who wanted her family dead."
  14. "I'm going to die, so I haven't much thought of it."
  15. She stares at you for a long time. "Very well then, I killed her. What else do you want from me? She deserved it . . . She deserved it after what she made me do, surely you can understand not having control."
  16. "Because I'm supposed to die here, I think."
  17. "Do you . . . want to fight me?" Sharpo asked politely. "Maybe not, cause you seem upset."
  18. "No, you'll beat me up. And besides, I'm not violent, I may have . . . done things, but I am not violent like you."
  19. Sharpo stands and approaches them. No point in hiding, if he had been searching for people in the first place. "Um . . ."
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