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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "Because, I'm sick and tired of people bossing me around! You damn district people, thinking your heroes, I hate you!"
  2. "I'd rather not." It seemed the more upset she got, the more willing she was to put her foot down. She glanced at the road leading out from the house, seriously considering running, but not knowing if she could outrun Kandy or not.
  3. Sharpo wondered north, looking for people, either to fight or befriend. Eventually he finds someone (raven). He sneaks up behind them, watching.
  4. Sharlee didn't answer, she just clenched her fists and stared at the ground.
  5. "Looks like we'll need one if we've got a BBEG to fight . . ."
  6. "S-she . . she hated him don't you know?" She said, avoiding eye contact. "He was evil, the way he talked about hurting people and wanting to do this or that . . . S-she was frightened, living in the same house as that creature. He needed to die . . . he had to die . . . the things he did . . ." As Sharlee spoke, her face started to go red.
  7. Hiii! I watch Pearl, Gem, Grian, Mumbo, and Joel, soon I want to try and watch Impulsv, and Etho's Pov's as well. Glad I was right about the deepslate lol.
  8. Always gotta love it when you get to school, ready for the Grind TM, but it turns out it's a half day and I had no idea . . .

    I'm actually so happy that my math class is 45 minutes shorter, I hate that class so much lol, (and I probably won't have to go to ACT prep either!!!)


  9. The world is too big

    and time is far too short for

    living behind glass.

  10. pretty close, from what I remember
  11. At the beginning of one of Joel's latest HC episodes he talks about the post (i can't remember which one). Basically, the person wasn't complaining, but they were surprised by joels very extreme personality, going as for to say that he was (qoute) "On the verge of mania." Which of course joel took as a compliment. It was pretty funny XD
  12. I had heard someone speculate that they would, so I wasn't surprised, just excited!! I think Joel is mostly exaggerating, for comedic effect, but obviously he has confidence enough to make those sort of jokes, so who knows lol. His response to that one reddit post was hilarious.
  13. Joels on my list too when I finish the winners, I really enjoy his personality XD
  14. hehe, I've watched all of Grian's Life pov's, and now I'm working through watching each season's winner POV
  15. Well seeing as he's the one who explained how to build it . . . I'll admit, I haven't watched anything from 6 or 7 in a long time . . . I only recently got back into watching it seriously.
  16. I think it's gonna be Grian's running prank this season
  17. She pushes Kandy away. "No it's not! It's not okay, it's not . . ." She covers her face with her hands.
  18. She didn't answer, just stared at the floor.
  19. She debates for another minute, and then gives in. "She-she told me not to tell see? And she scared me so . . . . but . . . Miss Sharon killed Sharp."
  20. Sharlee is clearly scared of her. "T-there's- I don't . . ." She stared at the ground, "Well . . . there is something but I promised I wouldn't tell . . ."
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