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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "Alright . . ." You go back to Sharvils room and I'm too lazy to describe it. Sharp'i goes off to tell Sharp IV what happened so they can take care of the body, so you arrive there alone. The door to his room is left slightly ajar, and he doesn't appear to be there right now. Nothing in the room looks immediately different, but closer inspection might be needed for details.
  2. Penn was there for the whole thing uhuh yeah "I've got rope in my coat . . . . and pretty much anything you can think of."
  3. "How could she have been involved . . . my parents don't sleep in the same room because of . . . disagreements. So it's not like she could have easily stabbed him."
  4. "Perhaps she did know something about the first murder."
  5. "Not long, she's still pretty warm."
  6. It smells a little odd. "Maybe don't try it?" Sharp'i said, worried. Then he thought for a moment, "Sharlee probably brought her the tea . . ."
  7. "Poison is most likely," He said thoughtfully, "I'm not seeing anything that would indicate an injection of some kind, so she probably ate it, unknowingly." Sharp'i glanced around looking for any food nearby. A tea set sat innocently on the coffee table.
  8. "Okay . . . just trying to help." He turns to the guy on the table. "Should we try the airhorn?"
  9. "Sweet." Penn then attempts to grab Weaver so he doesn't fall in the hole (unless he's doing that on purpose).
  10. ". . . you still owe so, maybe consider helping us?"
  11. "Well crap." He looks to Clay and Weaver. "Wanna give us a hand?"
  12. Penn walks over. "Hello, we're gonna wake you, if yah don't mind."
  13. "Maybe . . ." He said, turning Sharon's body over to see if he could find any evidence of it. "I'm not an expert on poisons . . ."
  14. "Alright," He whispered back. "Just point to the guy we gotta wake."
  15. The word 'destination' having 4 syllables is absolutely outrageous and infuriating. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Yesss you got this

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      "Destiny" only has three.




      ...Not sure if that's helpful.

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      I actually tried to use destiny and I couldn't cause it was too long lol,

      I'm finding myself using really short and basic words because it lets me say more, it's difficult to balance things . . .

      also I've got a good paragraph down now, but I'm thinking that the story should have a different opening scene, so I might have to start over

  16. "I- I'm not surprised." Sharp'i sat on the carpet. "Whoever it was likely had beef with more than one of us." He wished he felt sad, but instead he felt nothing but a dull ache. His mother had been gentle and loving a long time ago, when he had been young. But the years-- and Sharp'i's generally messed up family, hadn't been kind to her. She'd slowly hardened into something unrecognizable. Now, he could barely remember those times when she'd loved him. "That's odd . . ." He said, coming out of a bit of a daze. "She doesn't have any wounds at all, but father had been stabbed."
  17. There was silence on the other side. "Maybe she's not in here?" Sharp'i asked. He pushed the door open to check anyway. The room was one of the most decorated in the house. It didn't have windows, but lamps brightened the room, and nice furniture sat around the edges. Sharon was lying on the floor. Sharp'i carefully moved over, and after a quick check-- "Oh . . . I think she's gone too."
  18. "Yeah . . . perhaps we can corner her when she gets back," Sharp'i said. "Mother's probably in the sitting room." This room is closer to the front of the house, and the guest room that Kandy stayed in. It was much better kept here, and the dust was almost ignorable. A neat pair of doors sat at the entrance. Sharp'i knocked, but there wasn't an answer.
  19. "I don't need . . ." Her voice started to loose it's nervousness and became more frustrated. "I go to the market on my own all the time." She tossed the cleaning rag she had been using into a hamper, and quickly moved over to the door. "Now, if y-you'll excuse me, I do have a job to do." She opened the door, but hesitated on the way out. "Sharon's the one who coordinates my chores, maybe she'll know something." And with that, she slipped away.
  20. "N-no . . . look, I really should be going." She gets up and starts putting a jacket on.
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