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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "No . . . well, there was that knife missing but I didn't think much of it, he takes them down to clean them sometimes . . ." "What about the extra tea?" Sharp'i asked, "Sharvil said you made tea for me last night, but I didn't ask for it or receive." She immediately tenses up at the mention of this. "He must have . . . l-lied about it then . . ."
  2. (writing my thoughts here as I figure this hiaku story thing out)

    Okay, I've started, and the main problem I'm running into is I'm not sure what the specific rules should be.

    5,7,5 is a given, but that can't be the only rule because any piece of writing can be split into 5,7,5 increments, but that doesn't mean it's made of hiaku's:


    into 5,7,5

    increments, it doesn't need

    to be a Haiku

    I know for sure I want each Haiku to focus on one idea, and not have any unfinished sentences inside (like the example above)

    The main issue is grammar, in a traditional Haiku, each line should portray and independent idea, but that causes issues with sentence building. For example, if each line were sectioned off as one sentence, then I think the writing itself would become really redundant out of the Haiku context-- which is the point of the project. I want the story to be able to work in both formats perfectly, the novelty being that it can switch back and forth. 

    Good and natural sounding paragraph structure needs variation in sentence length to give the writing good flow. I want it to sound nice lol.

    I think for sure, I want to make sure that I don't have grammar in the center of a line, because as I said above, then anything can be turned into a haiku. However, I also don't know if I can really pull off each line being and independent clause, once again for the redundancy issue. 

    I'm thinking that I can allow lines to consist of dependent clauses, but punction should have to go at the end of each line (excluding commas, in some circumstances). 

    We'll see how it goes . . . 



    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      The real question is, most every line line end in punction? Or, if the next line finishes the sentence, than it's alright if the previous doesn't finish it's thought . . . I'm thinking I'll allow it for simplicity's sake.

      My current method has been using two docs, one with the haiku version, and one with the narrative version side by side, so I can edit one to fit the format of the other.

    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      *must every line end in punctuation 

  3. What if--someone wrote like, an entire short story that if sectioned up correctly would make a perfect number of independently working hiakus 

    why do I keep having ideas that my brain isn't big enough to execute . . . now I really wanna try this 


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      that's what google said lol . . . I should clarify it's 1500 words, which could be a different number depending on the formatting, but still pretty short

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Wait wait wait

      but- but what about the- “For sale. Baby shoes. Never used” short story? (I’m sorry if I got the wording wrong)

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi


      but- but what about the- “For sale. Baby shoes. Never used” short story? (I’m sorry if I got the wording wrong)

      I've never heard of that before . . . but after a google . . .

      that would probably count as flash fiction, but do keep in mind that the lengths are general and there's no hard and fast rules. It's just good to know what to call your story depending on the length

  4. "Great!!" He pulls one out of his coat, ready to go.
  5. "Can I still bring an airhorn cause it'll be more fun with one."
  6. "I just . . . I finished cleaning up dinner, and then I took Sharvil his tea, and after that I went to bed, and the next morning Mr. Sharp III was-was . . ."
  7. "O-oh," She looks nervous immediately, "That was such a scary day . . ." "I-I don't know anything, the body was just there and-" Her eyes fill tears. "I didn't do anything I promise." "I'm sure you didn't Sharlee, but we want to know if you noticed anything strange the night before." Sharp'i said, trying to calm her down. "I didn't- there w-wasn't anything."
  8. "Okay." He leads her downstairs, using the small servant staircase they had gone through on Kandy's first day here. They soon arrive in the kitchen, where Sharlee is clearing some things up off the counter. "Oh! Hello," She says, shily. "Are you hungry? I was just going to the market to get some fresh things for lunch if you can wait."
  9. "I . . ." He glances at Sharp'i. "My sister in law and I started an . . . organization that worked on improving societal issues."
  10. I just found out meme generators are a thing, and normal people don't just cobble them together in google slides.
  11. "It should look like the others there." They're all silvery looking, with a small divots on the hilt, perhaps where gems could be set. "I'm sure it's not important though."
  12. He checks his watch. "Probably ten-ish minutes." "Oh does it?" Sharvil leans forward from his chair, trying to see it from his spot. "That's odd."
  13. "Hmm? Oh, I lost it years ago, in one fight or another." A layer of dust sits on the whole collection, except for the silhouette of the missing one, as if it were freshly removed. "Come on, we need to catch Sharlee before she leaves for the market," Sharp'i suggests.
  14. She sees a knife collection, set up in a decorative way. It had been easy to miss before, because it was set in one of the bookshelves. There's an empty space where one is clearly missing. "Oh, that's just my old knife collection, from back when this old man was still kicking." He chuckles to himself.
  15. "Yeah, seems like we need some more details on what she was doing."
  16. "Hmm, no, mine seemed fine, but I can't say for the other cup . . . I don't want to jump to conclusions but it seemed suspicious that she made one for Sharp'i." "Especially since I didn't actually receive it, either." Sharp'i added.
  17. "Yes, I asked her about it, and that's who she said it was for."
  18. "I didn't hear anything, though . . . Sharlee did bring me my nightly tea, the way she does every night. It helps me sleep through the aches and pains. Strangely, she had tea some made for Sharp'i too, which I thought was odd at the time." "I didn't order tea that night," Sharp'i said thoughtfully, "And she didn't bring me any either."
  19. He smiles and sets his book aside. "I see, I'm glad to see someone wants to figure this out. I think Sharp would rather just forget it happened, but these old bones won't rest easy with a killer in my house." Sharvil glances at Sharp'i, with his unkept hair and dark circles. "You look awful, I didn't expect you take this so hard . . ." "Thanks . . . It's not about him though, they took Sharpo . . . they've started a new Games." "Sharpo?" Sharvil asks, obviously not recognizing the name. "They capital kid who was helping us?" "Oh, not to worry young man, it's not hard to order another one." Sharp'i doesn't reply. "I apologize for getting off topic," Sharvil says, "Any specific questions Kandy?"
  20. "Alright, he'll probably be in his room." It doesn't take long for them to get there, both Sharp'i and Sharvil's rooms are in the back of the house. It's a suite at the end of a hall of guest rooms. These ones aren't nearly as kept up as the ones in the front of the house. A think layer of dust covers everything, even in the hallway. Sharp'i knocks on Sharvil's door. "Who is it?" You hear the old man call weakly from inside. "It's me and Kandy," Sharp'i replies. "Well alright then, come on inside." Sharp'i opens the door revealing a fairly large room. Thin lines of sunlight leak through the boards on the windows. Sharvil is sitting in an armchair on the left side of the room, cane set to the side and a thick book in hand. A twin-size bed sits against the right wall, and the rest are covered in full bookshelves. There's dust on everything in here too, and faint, metallic-like scent hits as you walk in.
  21. "We could ask Sharlee for details since she saw the body first, or maybe we could ask Sharvil if he heard anything that night, he tends to be awake in the early morning."
  22. Sharpo decides to leave the forest and make his way out towards the hills, looking for people.
  23. "That's the problem . . . my dad did take trips to the . . . uh . . . 'fun district.' He was heavily involved there, along with most of the cities underground, it's pretty much what The House was built on. So when I . . . we failed and everything fell apart, you can imagine they weren't to happy about it. Needless to say I'm sure your boss is overjoyed my dad is dead-- but I doubt they'd help us figure out who the murderer is. They might even take the opportunity to finish the rest of us off." Sharp'i explained, a little nervously.
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